Unexpected expected and somehow accepted

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Your mother pushes you to a room that was two rooms away from yours. The door was closed but you could hear some sort of noise. Snoring? 

Your mother opens the door and inside, you find Taehyung in the bed with a bandage around his head. his eyes are closed. He was probably asleep. 

" What happened to him?"

" He collapsed at the same time as you and he also hit his head against the stone slabs and..." 

He moves his head and sighs irritably. Your attention diverts to him. His peaceful and unusually silent features began to move about. Was he dreaming about something?

" Is he awake?"

"I don't know dear."

The way your mother was talking to you all of a sudden was really strange to your ears especially after what she said to you when you were at home. It bothered you a lot but you somehow pitied her. She must have gone through a right shock when both of children fainted right before her eyes. She must have thought that whatever she said had come true instantly. 

Taehyung's face started to move, almost as if he was trying to say something to you. His eyes suddenly open really wide and blink several times. He gasps and turns to look at you and your mother, who were both staring at him in silence.

" ughhhhhh....... What happened to me?"  

He was staring at you intently 

"And what happened to you (Y/N)? YOU LOOK LIKE A ZOMBIE!"

" I errrrr...... apparently fainted as the same time as you."

You notice that your mother has disappeared from the room. Was she crying? Why did you care anyways? It wasn't as if she cared about you. You and Tae continue to talk as if she never was in the room. Taehyung was clearly not bothering to call her back in. He was hurt so badly in the heart. His face was usually so bright and happy but no matter how hard he tried to hide his hurt heart, his face didn't light up as it did before. 

" Where did eomma go?" This surprises you. You thought that he wasn't going to ask about her. She hadn't come back in the room for a while now. Where was she?

"She probably left "


A nurse come in the room and hand you an envelope. " Your mother told me to hand you this." She leaves and you open it up.

A letter and some money. 

"Dear children of mine,

use this money to help yourselves for this following week. I won't return home so please be careful. Do not hurt yourselves and spend the money wisely. Don't try to contact me, I will be very busy this week you know, searching for a new school for you and doing my job overtime to try and pay for new equipment.

Please be careful" 

You read this out loud and felt tears brimming. This woman was leaving you and Taehyung in the state that you were both in thinking that you both were somehow going to manage. And you call her MOTHER?! Taehyung gets up from his bed and comes to read the letter seeing as you were frozen in denial. 

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