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" You know, since we are at the hospital..." Taehyung's  curious face was looking around in search of something

" What?"

"Why don't we check out our DNA?"  

This startles you. 

"What the hell do you even mean!? Do you not trust our relation?"

"I dunno, I don't see any resemblance in our appearances."

" What the f*** Tae?!?!?!"

He grins because you cursed and you blush hardcore. 

" Nah, I am serious! I am gonna call for a nurse to get it tested. I just wanna get it tested to clear some doubts"


Maybe he was right. What if in the end you weren't related. Taehyung calls for a nurse and asks if you guys can get your DNA tested. You feel droplets of sweat appearing on your forehead. 

What if you really weren't related to each other? Why would you be living together? And more importantly, why would your parents be hiding this from you? 

-- Hang on, your DNA hasn't even been tested yet so why are you worrying? There could still be a chance....

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