Blood, sweat and tears

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This had to be a mistake. There was absolutely no possible way that this could ever happen. 

You reach out for the phone and call the hospital to double check. This is not happening.

"Hello?" You ask impatiently.

"Hello? How may I help you today?"

"Hi, I just got the report to my DNA test and I just wanted to talk to the doctor who took our blood sample to double check because I think that there has been a very BIG mistake."

The receptionist hands passes the phone onto the doctor with those dead jokes

" I see you have got your report then!" He says excited. This guy was seriously not trustworthy. Especially not with this delicate topic.

" Yeah, but I am not entirely convinced that this report of yours is accurate."

" Look miss, unfortunately your report is 100% accurate and I do understand that this may come as a shock to you but the chap who you claim to be your twin brother shares absolutely no DNA  with you. However he only shares two or three characteristics with you and that is it, I am sorry for your loss."

You are left dumbfounded. This could only be a nightmare. you pinch yourself hard but you feel it. The disappointment circulates all around you. Tears of despair and dismay roll down your cheeks. Whatever you called impossible proved itself possible. 

You reach for your crutches and get up. Your breath is caught up inside a gulp in your throat. 

This only means one thing.

You stumble into the kitchen and go to where the cutlery is placed. 

Perhaps this was for the better of everyone...

Ending their pain...

Ending Your heartache...

his heartache...

your pain...

his pain...

This was it...

The end to everyone's suffering...

their main problem...

was no one other than....


And with one strike of the knife you would be over......

You keep gulping, still so double minded on what you were about to do. Sweat began to form around you temples. 

The sharp blade of the knife was cutting into your skin and blood began to drip out from the cut.

Nothing could stop you now, not even you tears..........

you close your eyes slowly....

Taking in every last moment of what was left of your life...

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