Tit for Tat

31 2 5


This meeting that Namjoon was holding was very stressful for me even though it didn't really have to do with me... 

Y/N, Taehyung and Jimin looked really spaced out for a long time. I wonder what they were thinking about. I was paying full attention (like always) in case I had to do anything in any possible scenario. But why weren't Y/N and Taehyung?? They were the main people involved in this whole thing.

"Guys, I hope you all understand what we have to do as a team and as friends so that we can over come this scandal and get out of any trouble in our hands for the next coming weeks- possibly months..." 

"Ok Namjoon!" 

"Y/N, Taehyung and Jimin, please stay behind! They rest may go off to carry on with some of the remaining tasks for today!" 

Looks like Namjoon Hyung had noticed them zoning out after all... 

I had already finished all of my tasks for today so I was now free and was allowed to do whatever I pleased. But my curiosity decided to dominate me because I wanted to know what Namjoon was going to say to the daydreamers. So I stayed outside the meeting room- behind a door- and listened.  

"Hyung, I swear I was listening to what you were saying!"

"Ok fine then, what did I say to do when the media questions you?" 


"Exactly! You should have listened because we are all doing this to help you and Y/N out so it involves each and every single one of us even though their names aren't in this," 

"Sorry Namjoon..." 

"It's fine, I tell you what, I'll make a quick summary of what we discussed and send it to all of you so that you guys know and remember what to do when presented with one of these scenarios, happy?" 

"Gamsa hamnida!" They all say and begin to leave. I somehow manage to forget that I am standing right next to the door- which is closed. 

The door opens and Y/N steps out first. 


OOF! Ok that hurt badly X_X 

But I stay quiet so that I wouldn't be noticed. Thank goodness I wasn't noticed or else... JEEZ... 

Ok when I said not be noticed, I was not noticed by Y/N. 

But I was noticed... by Jimin....


"oh nothing...aw...ow!" 

"What were you doing behind that door like a mouse?"

"Listening to you lot getting told off," I smile bravely. 

"Haha, funny..."  

I start laughing. But then I feel something hot and sticky trickle down my nose. 

No no no no!!! NOT BLOOD!! 

"Hey, is that blood?!" 

"Uh, I dunno..." But it was obvious though so there was no point in denying it. 

"Ugh, kid why you tryna be so brave? If I were you I would have started to cry!" 

"I'm a brave kid Hyung," He smiles. 

"Your a brave baby," :) I smile. "Let's get you cleaned up baby, we don't want the others to worry now do we?"  

"No, we dooon't Hyyyuuunnnggg...." I was surprised how I didn't I add in a goo goo or a gaa gaa.. 

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