Smart Art...

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Your first day at school was really amazing. Everyone in your classes were being a bit too kind. And thank goodness, there weren't any far!

As for your lessons, as much as they were dull, there was always that one individual who always lit the lesson up for you. You may have been lucky because he was a pretty shy guy because every time a girl would pass by him, he would get a little nervous. But here, he wasn't nervous at all. Hmm...

You are sitting in your art lesson and Jungkook is sitting next to you. The teacher rambles on about the artist that you were learning about. Jungkook is paying a lot of attention to the teacher as well as doing little doodles on his book. What was he drawing? A small smile appears on his face while he draws something  on his sketchbook. He moves his arms, looks at it with a cute bunny smile and then covers it up (Wait did you just describe his smile as cute?!). Interesting...WHAT WAS HE DRAWING?!?!

Your curiosity is something that has recently been getting out of control. But what could you do? It was human nature to inquire. You can only inquire to learn stuff right?

The teacher sees Jungkook laugh over his work and slowly makes their way to your desk. As they reach it, they stop and take the sketchbook of him. Uh oh...

Jungkook covers his mouth, making a lot of effort to contain himself while the teacher inspected his ' masterpiece '. The teacher does look slightly triggered but somehow forces themselves to smile a rather tight smile.

"Jeon Jungkook, I appreciate the fact that you are an eager artist but I would prefer you to be listening to what I am talking about at the front of the class. Do you understand?"

He looks up, a little bit embarrassed, "Yes, sir"

The teacher continues to move around the room, inspecting all the other desks and student while talking about the task that he was about to set. "Ok students, your task will be to draw someone you know in the style of this artist!" Oh ok.

Who should you draw? Maybe Taehyung? What about Jungkook? Nah, why not Taehyung? you could show him your masterpiece at home and ask for his opinion on it right? And if he like it then you could hide it away until his birthday and then give it to him as a gift. Yeah!

Jungkook notices the puzzled look on your face and you unsteady eyes, and taps you on the  shoulder. This startles you. 

"Hey, who are you gonna draw?" he asks you.

"I dunno, maybe my brother? What about you?"

"Ermm...I'm not sure yet." But actually he was really sure because the moment he said that, he started on his work. 

You decide to ask him about what he as drawing on his book. "Jungkook, what were you drawing on your book?"

He looks away, his shyness making an appearance instantly but surprisingly he shows you his sketchbook. Wow! His work is really amazing. And so colourful. But on a blank page on the backside of the book, a small image, that was scribbled over lightly could be seen. You pull the book closer to you so that you could get a better view of it. 

The picture looked like a person, 

...with long brown hair,

big eyes...

fluttery eyelashes...

and a small smile... It looked cute. It was anime.Or was it manga? One or the other but it looked amazing.

"Who is it? It looks really good by the way" 

His eyes look a bit unsteady, almost as if he was avoiding eye contact. What happened to him all of a sudden. Was there a girl that he maybe liked and she was in the class? You look around the room wondering who this mysterious secret crush of his could be. Hmm, well there was no luck...

"Hey, I asked you who this was mister! I'm just curious ok..."

He buries his head in his arms on the table. Jeezz...he must really like this person! 

"Ok then, if you don't want to tell me then I'll assume that it's someone you like!"

He lifts his head from the table and faces you. "Oh yeah, what will you assume? Who do you think I like?" He gives a shy laugh which confirms your assumption. He really does like someone! Aww...!

He snatches the book back and continues with the task that was set by the teacher. Ok then shy boy. You continue with your Taehyung drawing. The lesson was a double so you had extra time to finish off your artwork. You add a background that suits his personality. Colourful! 

From the corner you keep spotting Jungkook looking at you and then looking back at his work. What was they guy up to? He seemed like a very interesting person. 

Finally you finish your artwork. Yesss! It looks a lot like Taehyung if you were honest.

" That looks amazing Y/N!" says Jungkook, "it looks just like your brother!"

"Oh, thanks! Who have you drawn?"

He had his work hidden but when he turned it around you were left jaw dropped (OR SHOULD I SAY THAT YOUR MIC DROPPED..*wink* *wink*) and speechless. 

He drew a picture of you! So that was why he kept looking at your face again and again! He notices your expression on your face and smiles.

"I know, it's bad right?" WHAT YOU ON BOY?!

"What are you talking about?! That looks sooo freaking GOOD!" 

"are you sure that you like it?"

"I don't like it...I LOVE IT!" You exclaim and that makes the whole class look at you two including the teacher, this makes Jungkook blush and hide his work. A girl from the desk behind you comes up to him. 

" Ooh Jungkook! Who did you draw?!" she says

He looks at you with his doe eyes and that makes you mouth sorry. " Sorry, Jungkook. " 

He ignores the girl and walks over to you and whispers into your ear

" The person who I drew on my book was also you by the way..." 

This leaves you shook. Why did he keep drawing you? Personally you liked that but what was he trying to do? 

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