Don't think just run

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It was Y/N.

She was probably mad at me, right?

She probably wanted to shout at me right? 

So, should I pick up?

What if she wanted to tell me something important. I should at least tell her that I will come home later. I just don't want to tell her anything.

But strange thing here is that, my gut feeling tells me to pick up the call. 

Maybe I should follow what my gut instinct says. You never know, it could be something else.

I take a deep breath and attend the call.

All I can hear is someone screaming crazily. 


That sound sounded so much like last night. OH NO!


"Y/N! stay calm I'm coming! I'm coming!" 

She kept on screaming, but it got quieter very slowly. She started coughing violently. 


I couldn't leave her like this, Eomma was not helping her calm down. I had to go.

Auditions will keep on coming, but not a girl like her.

The others stare at my face, with worried expressions.

"What happened?"

"Is Y/N ok?"

"I'm really sorry guys, but I have to go to her. I guess I won't be auditioning with you lot."

"We'll come with you,"

"No you sh-"


"Let's go"

We catch the train back home . I sit there, with my head buried in my hands. Why did she suddenly start screaming like last night?

Was it because I left her? Or was it because of someone else?

"What happened?" asks Park Jimin

"I am so sorry, Jimin. I ruined your chance of auditioning."

"I don't care, there will be plenty more chances to audition in the future, now tell me, what's going on?"

He gave me that look, so I had no choice of hiding the truth. So, I broke down and told him absolutely everything that he needed to know. Right from the very beginning. 

But the only thing that I didn't tell him was that we weren't actual twins... I just couldn't risk it. Now isn't the right time.

"There will be traffic later on if we catch the bus," says Namjoon

"I'll call my dad to give us a ride!" offers SeokJin

"Wouldn't he be at work?"

"It's his day off!"

After getting a ride home by his dad, I run as fast as I could all the way to the house. I knock viciously on the door. 


The door opens and I race upstairs to Y/N bedroom. 

"Y/N it's me, open up! It's Taehyung!"

She wasn't screaming anymore. Her eyes were red rimmed. She was crying badly. 

"Calm down now, I'm here. Did you take your medicine?"

She nods while sniffing, trying hard to control herself. 

Once she fully calms down, I decide to take her to the same park that we went to last night. It was the same park where I told the other's to wait.

"Clear yourself up, we don't want to bump into someone we know, do we?" I'm so sly...

"Now tell me, what happened?"

"She slapped me."

Right then, and right there a huge burst of rage and fury exploded inside me. How the hell could this woman even dare touch her like that?! Even when I specifically told her not to even disturb her emotions in any way, shape or form but she STILL  decides to SLAP her?!

"What a b****!" 

"Where were you this morning?"

Oh. My turn.

"I was with were...g-going to um...audition for and K pop g-group.. I'm sorry, I should have told you about it but I just didn't want to upset you like that."  

She continues to stay silent and stares into the distance. I look at her face. Her fine skin still hadn't recovered from her fight that she had at our previous school. There were still scars and marks fresh on her face. She looked as if she had been attacked by a wild cat.

Then I shift my focus on what she was looking at. Ah, I see...

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