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                                                    ( PART ONE!)

Taehyung drops his bags and ditches his friends and runs to the crowd, pushing away anyone in his way. 


He pushes his way into the center of the crowd and gets you off the half dead Suok. 

"(Y/N)!! STOP!"  

His grasp around your arms is so tight that you soon give in and slow down. But you haven't given your trademark finale. You move forward and spit on her face and give out an angry scream, your brother's arms still restraining you. 

You start feeling incredibly weak all of a sudden. Your hand and face are covered in blood. You are aching all over. Suok had punched your jaw several times. Your limbs were trembling and you were in killing pain. The world seemed to be spinning around you and you begin to feel nauseous. Taehyung is still holding onto you, pulling you away from the scene. then, without warning, your legs buckle and you collapse. 


You are knocked out cold. The strength of your brother's arms pick you up and carry you over his should. You are internally crying because you think about Tae holding your heavy self. Gosh you might feel light right now but you must be a hell of a burden for your twin who was much more slighter than you. 

He carries you somewhere far away from the screams and shouts of the crowd. Taehyung starts to run because you feel the wind blowing hard against Your bloody cheeks. 

You hear the rattle of a door and ehar the creaks as Taehyung opens it hurriedly. 

" Y/N, we are home. No one can hurt you, your are safe now"

Thankyou so much for thirteen readers!!



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