Encounter pt.2

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Ok, this was getting really awkward

She needs to stop like right now...

She was always like this, but now I think that her awkwardness with us has gotten a lot more worse. 

After seeing her after a long while like this was a shock for me considering she actually sat right next to me and I didn't even notice her. 

And then I had the nerve to tell her it was her fault- I was only joking anyways. 

"Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny?"

She stops laughing and looks back at me with that "innocent" look of hers. 

"Hey, what's up with you? You have become so serious!",

Hmpf! Serious? 


wait....did I overdo this reaction a bit too much?

Maybe I should change the topic...

"So, what were you doing with Jungkook?"  

She looks down, then looks up at me. 

"What happened was that yesterday, I was misguided by a member of staff to where the cafe was and I ended up at your offices by accident. The I heard someone say that they were going to go and get some coffee for everyone so I guess I panicked and hid behind the door. It turned out that the person was actually Jungkook and as the door was opened I got a nosebleed. That obviously troubled Jungkook. I was so embarrassed that I left without telling him." 

"You should have told me at least, Jungkook, "

"I told Namjoon Hyung"

This kid never tells me anything. And that really annoys me a lot. I am getting fed up of taking extra care of him and not getting noticed or thanked for it. Maybe I should just stop and focus on myself. That would better because the both of us won't get hurt. 

Jungkook actually reminded me of my brother that I had met a few months ago. They had that same personality: cheeky and mischievous. That is why I probably kept a special eye on him and treated him like he was my actual brother. 

But now it is getting tiring. 

I'm just going to stop.

This kid it too much.

Right now I'm feeling a little down. 

I wanna be alone right now.

Some place where I can get myself together. 

There was only one place that I could trust more than ever. 

And that was my Home. 

Home, sweet home.  

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