unexpected surprises

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NOTE TO READERS: taehyung is still narrating this part of the story!

What if I gave this girl a surprise? I mean, she does deserve it right?

I am up in my room trying to calm myself down after yelling at her downstairs. I feel awful because I love her so much that whenever I yell at her, I feel awful. I really need to control myself sometimes. That girl has gone through so much and here I am yelling at her as if I own her or something. 

But she looks sooo..... UGGHHHH! KEEP YOUR DAMN FEELINGS TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But seriously speaking though, what should I do to make it up to her? She must be really upset because of me. Why am I like this to her?!

Then suddenly I am finally enlightened! She likes to go to the cinema and watch all these movies. What if I go downstairs and turn the living room into a cinema and get some popcorn from the shops...hmmm....


Ok, here we go!

I creep downstairs and find her watching K dramas infront of the TV. She does that whenever she is sad. Just you wait until what I have in store for you girl! Hehehehehe!

I put on my brown coat and boots, grab the remaining money I have and slam the door behind me making sure that she doesn't follow me, even though she can't because her leg is a week away from becoming completely better again. That means that I have one more week remaining until I have a baby duck following me around. 

All the money I have remaining is like 10 won. Uh oh...OH WAIT! It's sunday today so that woman who I would have called mother is gonna leave some money again.

The shops were right across the road from our house and they have an amazingly creative (because it was made by me) title called "POPCORN HEAVEN" (good right?). The place is filled to the brim with all of our favourite popcorn. And believe it or not I am the shopkeeper's favourite customer ( I think...). Hopefully I would be let off for anything including a shortage of money. 

" Hi Taehyung!" A squeaky voice says behind me. Ummmm who was that???

I turn around and see Rebecca smiling at me brightly like sunshine. Whenever I saw her, (Y/N) would get so triggered at me, the look on her face was so funny sometimes I continue talking to Rebecca further and keep asking her pointless questions. Jeeeezzz, she must think that I like her though- Which is not TRUE! The only person I like is (Y/N)...STOP IT TAEHYUNG!!!! KEEP THOSE SILLY EMOTIONS TO YOURSELF!!!!

"Err... hey Rebecca! How are you? Haven't seen you in while!"

"I haven't seen the both of you in a while too! How is (Y/N)?" 

Should I tell her that we aren't related to each other or should I just keep it a secret? KEEP IT A SECRET!

"Y/N is great, she just broke a leg and an arm and had a few fractures here and there but she's almost better now, just one week to go until she is 100% again!"

" I hope she gets better soon. It's such a shame that you and her are expelled, I feel incredibly lonely now."

"I think you can make new friends, you are very bright and bubbly!"

She giggle in a seriously sassy way and if Y/N was here, poor Rebecca would have got a smack across the face for sure. Now I can see why Y/N got annoyed whenever we talked.

" Look, I have to go and buy something from the shop so I have to go. It was nice talking to you though, take care!"

I run off without listening to her goodbyes. Y/N  was much more important than her right now. And anyways, the shop was about to close so I definitely had to buys us the popcorn or else... MY PLAN WOULDN'T WORK!

At the shops I buy a few other things like tomatoes and onions and stuff to make dinner. A very special dinner. After buying the main ingredients for dinner, I go off to find a florist for my next secret ingredient. 

My emotions were kinda getting out of hand so I think it is better if I just spill them out tonight. For the better of us both. She is gonna love this surprise that I have planned out for her.

I run home and go straight into my room and start the preparations for tonight's special surprise.

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