Not by blood, by law

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Note to readers: JIMIN IS NOW NARRATING! 

Y/n started to feel quite uneasy. Her eyes were unsteady. They kept bolting from every corner of her eyes. 

She had something to say to us, she might as well just tell us now. 

Although I may have known what she was going to say. I remember before debuting Taehyung told me the truth. They weren't twins- they were adopted. 

I also remember going to Taehyung's real family's house for lunch with him and the others. But he had told me strictly not to tell anyone about the truth. Was she allowed to say this to the others? Would they take it the wrong way? 

Should I say anything right now by any chance??

Maybe, the best thing for now would be to stay silent and let Y/N say the truth. After all, she would be saying whatever I was going to say to them and if she lies then I would obviously know that she is because Taehyung told me the absolute truth and I saw it with my own eyes too. 

"Taehyung and I aren't actually related by blood, only by law." That was a nice way of putting it.

"What do you mean?" Asks Jungkook. 

"We aren't twins. We are in fact adopted by a b****"

"So, a dog?" 

I really wanted to laugh out loud because the poor kid didn't understand which context she was saying it in. But obviously, laughing right now wouldn't be a good idea- it wouldn't look nice. 

"No Jungkook, she meant a really bad woman." His cute doe eyes widen which was a sign that he was enlightened.  

"Wait, but if she was a bad woman, why did she adopt you?" That's a good question.

" I actually don't know why she wanted to adopt us, I mean, if she was going to treat us like she did, she wouldn't have wanted to adopt us would she."

"When did you guys find out that you weren't twins?" Asks HoSeok

"It happened mainly because of me. I actually had a physical fight with a bully at my old school before I got transferred to your school. I was badly injured and collapsed onto Taehyung's shoulder. Then I guess he probably tended to my wounds and everything. A few minutes after I woke up, the woman was furious after finding out that we were expelled permanently and came straight home."

"Wait, so Taehyung was also fighting?"

"No- he was innocent."

"So why did he also get expelled?"

"It was a rule in our school that anyone who got involved with the fight that was already taking place between people would also get expelled."

"That is a dumb rule, so basically they wanted a fight till the death?" says Yoongi, who was quietly watching the drama unfold

" Yup, that was the main rule," 

"Ok, so what happened after when your mother came?"

"She was furious and yelled at us. She said something that I couldn't handle so I yelled back at her. Obviously, she smacked me back and said that she wanted us to die."

"That's harsh!" 

"I know, it was so harsh that both of us collapsed simultaneously and hit our heads on the stone slabs near the fire place."

 Taehyung didn't tell me about this part of the story. I was well and truly shocked to hear that. They have both been through so much. 

"So how did you guys find out that you weren't twins?"

" The woman took us both to the hospital, which was a place that we hadn't been for years. She left us there thinking that we would be alright. As a matter of fact, I had broken a few bones because of the fight at school. That was when Taehyung suggested that we get a DNA test done." 


Y/N's face looked a little relieved once she had told us everything. Maybe that was why she looked a bit different when we first saw her today. That must have been a lot of stuff to hold onto if I were her. 

But the thing that was troubling me right now was:  why was Taehyung acting so strange and where is he right now? 

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