End Result

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After that extremely stressful period of intense waiting and nerves, the report finally arrives!

" I wonder when that result will come. I have waited long enough Tae!" 

Taehyung was sitting at the table eating breakfast. It had been more than a few days after both of you had arrived home from hospital. The nurse that you had bargained for had treated both of you well and you were on the line of recovery. Taehyung had already fed you your breakfast and you were watching some k - dramas on the couch. 

"(Y/N) why are you worrying? I told you to stay calm about it, Nothing will happen whatever the report says." 

"If nothing was going to happen then why did you get our DNA tested? I went through all that mental and physical torture, that crappy doctor's dead jokes and now you tell me that nothing will happen?!"

For some reason, you have been very irritable whenever Taehyung says something. It is almost as if he was a random stranger in the house and he kept saying something that would get you annoyed, Why were you like this to him? Because of you, he lost his well earned position at school, because of you he got told of by your mother and because of you he ended up in hospital. How much patience must he have dealing with you, you think. He must be really fed up with you. Perhaps that was why he wanted to get your DNA tested. 

Taehyung gets up from his chair and walks to the door. The postman had dropped some letters. Obviously, it wasn't going to be the report because the doctor hadn't taken you seriously and wanted to torture both of you- or was it the report?????

Tae walks back into the room, staring at a letter that was brown and had a red stamp on it, 

"Well, the moment of truth has arrived (Y/N)!" he sighs. The poor guy was also stressed about the damn results. You start to feel even more sick than ever. He sits on the couch with you and asks you to open the envelope. He hands you the envelope, more like chucks it into your lap, and buries his head into his arms.

"Are you ok?"

"Just open the god damn thing already (Y/N)!"He yells at you, for the first time in a while. 

You decide to take your time and make the moment worth the wait. 

After taking out the paper, you notice that Tae is feeling very stressed out that he has gone pale. You decide not to take any longer and hand him the paper. 

From your perspective, he seems to be staring at the paper blankly but in reality his mind was going crazy. 

"They lie all the time..." He stands up abruptly and kicks the couch hard that it moves and hits a glass vase that was behind it. That shatters and he screams. He kicks the coffee table and flips it over, breaking everything that was ontop of it.


"Taehyung! What happened?! Calm down!"

He runs upstairs and slams the door to your room. He was mad. Surely the report couldn't be that bad right? Right?

You reach out for the scrap of paper that was lying on the couch.

 You take a deep breath and read it, your eyes fill with angry tears and feel as if they were burning in their sockets.

This could not be happening, there had to be a mistake! 

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