Tonight is special

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I am searching how to do origami, I wanna make an origami rose or something... what about an aeroplane which has an flower inside it? Yes!

Youtube is so helpful when it comes to tutorials. 

Finally, like an hour later, I am there with an origami rose and a paper plane on my desk. Now to write the note. Hmm... What should I write though....Errrrmmmm. Follow this card into the kitchen? Go to the kitchen, I have a surprise for you?

All these random ideas pop up into my head. What if I blindfold her for a brief second and then give the note and then disappear into the kitchen? Or what if I wait for her to go upstairs and then I can leave a note on the sofa where she was sitting- that could work but what if she doesn't come downstairs again. I know, I can write notes all around the house and wherever she is, she will no doubt see them because notes don't just appear on the wall of your own house out of random, and then... and then...

I have everything planned out in my head but now I just have to make this work out in real life. Let's GO!

My heart beats fast, this has to go how I want it to go or else I won't spare myself. One shot at this and one shot only!

I creep downstairs with the messenger plane in my hands. Everything is silent downstairs except for the noise of the TV with the K dramas. What is this girl even doing?!

I keep my position at the stairs and aim the plane at the couch which was facing the TV. I throw it and it lands on target! YESSSSSSSSS!!!! (silently celebrates by doing a random dance on the stairs)

But there is no response, why isn't she moving or anything? Did she already kill herself? OH NO- I run to the couch and peer at the girl, her eyes were shut but thankfully, silently snoring. PHEW!

She was asleep and alive and snoring. silently. This makes life much easier! :D


Your mind is so strange at times. You keep dreaming of strange things, most of them being about Taehyung. But why? Were these dreams trying to tell you something? 

Your eyes are still shut but you have come out of deep slumber- something that you haven't done for ages. There was a strong smell of something that you have been craving for days, déjà vu.... How strange...

You get up and look around you, everything is changed, the glass shards on the floor had disappeared and the TV was shut. The main lights were also shut and the lamp in corner was turned on - and candles...? What was going on?

Your gaze falls on a small blue piece of paper on the couch, it had a paper rose in it with some sort of neat handwriting, one that you recognised. 

 "Are you hungry? 

   Craving something that you wanted to eat for days? 

    Follow this amazing scent and find out where it leads you...

   Come on then, what are you waiting for?

                                                 PS:  Sorry:(  :) "

Was this boy a psychic or something? How on earth did he know I was craving this food for so long? Oh well, at least he made it!

You get up and once again, because of your dopiness, put all of your weight on your broken leg. OUCH! You internally scream, trying not to attract any sort of attention especially not of Taehyung's.

Slowly, you hop towards the kitchen, following the scent just like the letter said. That's odd, the lights were turned off and the kitchen seemed to be empty. Did he forget that he left you a note? Well he didn't mention himself being there so, the food is just for you then. 

You enter the kitchen and find the glowing light of candles set around the table. What was his game?! This curiosity was was reaching its peak. What was he playing at? And above all, he isn't even related to me so why is he doing all this?

 Well, tonight must be special then...

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