The Interesting Break

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Finally after that boring lesson, it was break which is good because I'm STARVING!!

Park Jimin is a very interesting person. He's always so happy which is great. I love to see people smile. I t makes me feel really happy. We are walking to the canteen. 

"So, where did you come from?" The moon.

"I came from Daegu."

"What do you like doing in your free time?"

"ermm...I love watching anime, taking pictures, going to theme parks and sitting on rollercoasters which I love the most about theme parks!" Obviously though, I love doing other things as well and I was gonna be really honest, the list would probably go on forever!

"Wow! You have amazing ideas of what fun is. I mean rollercoasters?! And the gyro drop and swing?! How do you not feel scared in them?" 

I laugh. This boy doesn't understand the firm difference between being scared and thrilled. That feeling that you get when you are up in the clouds and you can almost see the whole of south Korea is just breath taking! And when things are looking so well, all of a sudden DROP! and down you go! It really is so fun. Maybe I should take them out some time in the future and make them all sit on the Gyro drop. Now that would be very entertaining!

"I don't feel scared, I feel thrilled. It is such a good feeling to be up in the clouds you know, I love it!"

We walk all the way to the canteen. Jimin starts to introduce me to all the other guys. Y/N was also there. There was a tall boy called Kim Namjoon, Kim Seok Jin, Jung Ho Seok (version 2 of jimin but even happier and maybe a bit taller...), Min Yoongi (AKA THE SLEEPING SAVAGE!) and Jeon jungkook(Y/N's tour guide).

"So how do you find the school so far?" Namjoon asks. 

"It's ok,"

"Do you like to listen to music?" asks the sleeping savage.


"Can you play an instrument?" Jeon Jungkook asks.

" Yeah, I can play the saxephone"

A nice response I get. OOH! It isn't really very easy for me to play the saxephone you know. It takes a whole load of practice. At least I know how to play it.

Y/N looks as if she has died inside. This was no time for dying. These guys were some really interesting dudes. They had an intelligent vibe radiating from them, now that's a vibe that doesn't really come from a lot of people, that's a fact. And definitely not from so many people at once. Jeez... they must be hella smart!

"Can you sing?" A question like this keeps everyone interested. Well all I wanna know if anyone can sing around here. One thing I know for sure is that whenever I hear the teacher's voice for too long, I need to hear someone else's voice whether it be normally talking or singing, I needed a different voice to hear or else I would sink into the deep depths of boredom for sure. 

They all look at Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Seok Jin. Could they sing well or were they looking at them to mock their voices?

"These these three can!"Namjoon says, "Do you wanna show him what you guys got?"

The three exchange glances. First time I've seen Jimin so shy during the day. 

"What's up? I  wanna hear you guys sing. There's nothing more wonderful than hearing a friend's voice after having to listen to a teacher's for two hours straight you know!" Was that helpful enough? I guess so because they all clear their throats.

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