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Taehyung was looking so shook during the whole meeting. Almost as if he was deep in thought. He was like that a lot recently, staring out into space. He was such a daydreamer.

It reminded me of how he was like before debut as well. Always in a world of his own. 

I remember when we first met at high school. He was a bright student and intelligent. He also became immensely popular with the girls in the year. They were always fan-girling over his looks, which I have to admit were pretty flawless. 

Those bright happy eyes he had on his face always showed a happier and peaceful side to him. Until I found out about who he really was and what he had been through. It was hard to believe what he had told me and I always had that small doubt at the back of my head. Perhaps it was because of that smile he always had on his face. It was really attractive- really explains why all those girls were attracted to it like moths around  alight bulb. 

But the day he told me what was going on between him and Y/N and their adoptive mother, I saw a completely different side to him. He was someone who was worried about the future, almost scared of what destiny had in plan for him. For others he may have been the strong and brave tough guy but for me, he was almost the opposite. But he was definitely a brave and tough guy because going through all that trauma wouldn't be easy for anyone. 

I also remember seeing him burst into tears after telling me about Y/N's mental health. He really does have such a kind and tender heart. Taehyung is that one person I know who has a dual nature. One side of his life is full of rainbows and the other- thunderclouds. 

It always made me worry about him. He had to look after Y/N and himself. That adoptive mother of his really did seem like a demon to me when he described her to me. 

There was that one time where he called me at about 12:30 at night. 

"Hey, Jimin..." I realised that he had a heavy voice. Almost as if he had been crying. 

"Hey, are you ok there?"

"Jimin, why is life so hard?" he asked me. This got me worried instantly. 

"Taehyung what happened? Are you ok?"

"I don't know how to answer that question, I don't know if I'm ok..." 

"Ok, I need to see you right now, where are you?" 

"In utopia..." 

"If you were in utopia, everything would have been perfect, but the only thing is that you don't sound ok right now. Are you at home?" 


"I'll come over to your place then, but I'll wait outside for you," 

"The front door is locked, how do I get out?" 

"Umm..." there was a problem... 

"Oh wait I'll just jump out of the window!" 


"Meh, I dunno... To be or not to be, that is my question. To be Kim Taehyung or not to be Kim Taehyung..." 

"Look, stay in your room and I'll call you when I'm outside your window then I'll think of something. Just hang in there ok, I'm coming!"

I remember running out in the dark with a black hoodie on my pyjamas- to cover the embarrassing shirt that I was wearing. I was really cold outside even though it was April. 

I got there after 10 minutes and found a window that had its light turned on and a sad looking Kim Taehyung at the window. When he finally spotted me, he smiled and then waved.

"Jimin ssi! You came!" He sounded really happy. How could he maintain that smile even if he had a rock in his heart? He is honestly such a mysterious kid. No one knows what he is thinking of because when he was thinking, he would have that poker face on display. 

"How are you gonna come down?"

"Oh I told you that I'll jump out!" 

"You are clearly out of you mind right now!"

"I've done it many times before!" 

"What the hell..."

He stood on the window frame then jumped out and landed on the stone slabs foot first, just like a trained ninja. I was staring at him in shock and awe when he burst out laughing. 

"What's with the face?"

"Did you just...jump outta the window... like that?" 

"I told you, I've done that like a lot of times!" 

"Ok that is the most amazing thing that I have seen so far in my life ever since I got to know you!" 

"Oh, there are many thing that will give you a shock when you get to know me more. I'm full of surprises!" 

right.... I thought. 

"Ok, so how come you called me?" back to the main subject. 

"That b**** treats Y/N like an animal, she was about to beat her up," 

This was even more upsetting to hear. It really hurt my ears.

"What happened? What did they do?"

"Y/N asked if she could buy something for school and the woman got mad at her, then got an empty glass bottle and was about to hit Y/N with it. Y/N screamed and I ran to her room and stopped the woman," 

"I threw the bottle away and yelled at the woman. She then left the room and Y//N started to c...cry," He also broke down into tears. "It was distressing to Jimin..."

He sat on the wall and covered his face with his hands. I just didn't really know what I could say because I, myself, was about to start crying. 

Just watching Taehyung cry for his sister was possibly the most softest I've ever seen him. His love for anyone is so pure and true.   

I was really disappointed by the woman's behaviour towards her adoptive children. She had the heart to adopt them and yet she also had the heart to abuse them?  

How did that even work?

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