Unclear doings

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She broke the trophy that belonged to the principal! And it's only her first day! What if she gets expelled? I hope the principal lets her off though. She is a nice person and more importantly it was only an accident. 

My jaw dropped as soon as she admitted her mistake. But the thing that clamped my angry mouth shut was that she looked really embarrassed about it. She had her eyes to the floor and wouldn't dare look up at my face. Jungkook was also staring at the floor. 

I don't really know about anyone else but for me, they looked like twins...

All the movement that they did was simultaneous. From scratching the back of their heads to moving their shoe on the floor.  Same to same! 

"What should we do?" 


"Let's just pretend that we don't know what happened to the trophy if the principal asks,"

"Why don't we just confess that it was Y/N"


"Chill, I was joking!"


"You do have a point though,"

"Why don't we just confess only when he asks?"

"Yeah that's fine because it combines both of our ideas. And jokes." 

They all agree on this but Y/N and Jungkook still look tense. 

"What's up guys? Is there anything else that happened?"

The look at each other once again, looking like mirrored images. They both smile a guilty smile. 

"Well..." She begins

"Come on! You you can tell us everything right?"

"I...erm, we...did something else too...But I SWEAR it WAS an ACCIDENT!"

"What did you do? Jungkook?" Asks Kim SeokJin, looking so anxious. This must be really bad!

"I can't just seem to get in on my tongue..." he says back, staring hard at the floor. Did he find a bug or something? No. Ok...

"Jungkook, come on. You always have words for everything! Even when you fall asleep in class, you're always mumbling something! So come on, tell us!" 

"Y/N. What. Did. You. Do?" I grab her by the shoulder which makes her look up and into my eyes. She looked taken aback. Well...obviously because she wouldn't really expect me to do that to her. 

"Give me my personal space and give me a minute!" 

She frees herself and goes to Jungkook. They start whispering in each others ears. What were they playing at? Y/N smiles but then Jungkook starts whispering in her ear again. They both look at each other in shock and then Y/N whispers something else and Jungkook starts to laugh. 

What is going on?

"You guys done talking there? You know, it's been more than a minute!"

"Yeah, we are done talking!" Says Y/N brightly with cheeky smirk on her face. Now I'm just confused. A minute ago, the both of them, were so guilty and now they looked like happy little elves.  Almost as if they just found Pikachu in the trees or something. ( I genuinely would scream and run to pikachu if I saw one myself! ) 

"What did you do then?"

"We just can't possibly tell you. You guys would probably kill us if you found out, so we aren't gonna tell you at all." Says Jungkook suddenly looking guilty again. The way they played around with their facial expressions got me thinking. What were they up to.

"Aww...don't think like that guys! We are your friends and friends don't murder each other!" says HoSeok. 

"I have actually heard of a story where there were three friends and something happened and then they ended up killing each other because of what happened."says Y/N back, with an incy wincy smug smile on her face. I rate that though. 

HoSeok looked a little taken back but then smiles, "They were three, we are eight!" And then then sun shines.

"We still can't tell you though." says Jungkook .

"Fine then, don't tell us but don't come crying to us when you guys get into trouble. Is that clear?" says Namjoon . Wow! He really said that in some seriously fatherly tone there. I can't really tell how it must have felt though. After hearing that, Jungkook and Y/N look up, finally making eye contact with the person who was talking to them. 


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