Unnecessary attention

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 It's been a while since my debut. Like maybe over a month now...

But I have been working so hard that I guess I have forgotten about time as a whole. Choreography, music, concepts, photo shoots, interviews and all that stuff.

Now I had to prepare myself for a few concerts that I was going to perform at in a few weeks time. And trust me, that is just so damn hectic! 

It's also been a while since I saw the others. I last saw them at their debut show which was amazing. I hope they do well in the future to come. 

I'm working on a new song for my next album right now. The problem with me right now is that I can't really think of a title for it... Maybe my ideas factory has run out of ideas and fuel. That only means one thing!

Time for a break! 

I head outside for a coffee. All that work has tired me out. But before I go outside, an idea pops up in my mind. Should I give the other guys a visit? Well...

Maybe they were working on some stuff or they might not even be at their little offices (trust me, they are so CUTE!), they could be at their dorm. Maybe I should just check at least to see how they are. 

The company had given me an accommodation to live in until I had made enough money to buy myself an apartment. It was small but cosy enough to live in. I kept it clean at least so it would last me longer. I had to pay for the repair works though with my own money and since I was just a rookie I was a little short on it. 

At last I finally arrive at their office. I had my mask on though so that they wouldn't recognise me. (Was that really a good thing?) The lights were on and I could hear faint voices behind that door...

"Namjoon, why are you going to put that into the lyrics? Shouldn't we just let Jimin sing that and Jin sing along to the other verses?"

Looks like someone is having trouble with their lyrics... But who am I to talk anyways?! 

Someone was also singing and I could also hear someone attempting to...rap? 


Ok, danger! Danger! Danger! I hide behind the wall next to the door- I'm not good at hiding instantly so don't judge me! That hiding spot was ridiculous because the person who was going to buy the coffees for everyone must have been in a bad mood. I was right behind the door when it was flung open and whacked me on my nose. 


The person freezes on the spot, looking shook...

"Oh my days! Are you alright? I'm so sorry, I just didn't notice y-"

"Hey, calm down! I'm fine!" But then I felt something really hot and sticky run down my nose... blood! WHY WAS I SO DAMN DELICATE?!?! 

And he saw that blood dripping from my nose and panicked further... This was not meant to happen!

"Oh my! Is that blood?! Hang on a second, let me get you a tissue, just hang in there please!" 

That voice was the voice of someone so familiar, I knew exactly who I had ran into. And I was so stupid that I actually smile after hearing his voice- which was panicked- and having my dumb nose bleeding! How could I smile whilst being in pain? That behaviour was so narcissistic I actually couldn't even believe myself.

"Hyung! Some woman got hurt and now her nose is bleeding! Do you have some tissue?"

Oh, so I was some woman now? Nice! Well, I'm still 16, going onto 17 so technically I wasn't really a woman but a YOUNG lady! Why did I feel so offended after hearing that? After all, I was wearing a face mask so he wouldn't really recognise me...

"Yeah, here you go! Wait let me see as well!"

Ugh, more attention... I wanna run away and go straight back to my office! So that is what I do. And quickly. Luckily, I had a tissue in my pocket so I covered  my nose with that temporarily until I got back to my office. And when I did, I slammed the door shut, removed my mask and tended to my poor nose. It was my fault for standing behind that door anyways so I had to worry about my nose not him. 

But he might be worried about me...

Should I have stayed there? 

Maybe I should leave a note on his desk to say thank you for his concern. At least I saw his face after a really long while. 

Secretly I felt relieved that I had left. Maybe that encounter wouldn't have gone well for the both of us. 

But I hope it would next time we met. 

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