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Note from writer: this part may contain content that is quite sensitive. It may also contain content of self harm and suicidal attempts. If you do not wish to read this please wait for the next update (it will be soon!). You have been warned. 

Also remember: you as a human being are wonderful. You have a beautiful soul and are beautiful in your own way shape and form. No one can tell you otherwise. You may not know who, but there is always someone in this world who loves you a lot. You are the best human being in the whole universe and tell yourself that everyday, every moment you feel down. 

And one more thing: if you ever need someone to talk to, just bear in mind that I am always here for you. 

➳♥Take care ➳♥ 



Her words were embedded inside my head. She may have been bullied then but her words were true and pure. 

She was someone who loved justice and was fair. That was one of the best qualities in her, one that I absolutely loved. 

Well, after hearing those words, the head of grade was quite shocked and so punished the bullies instead of her. Just shows how much power her words have. 

I was so proud to call her MY sister. That feeling was just brilliant. 

The thing that was slightly upsetting though was the fact that she didn't have much friends. And the ones that she was "friends" with stayed with her for a while and then betrayed her and would go with someone else. And this cycle would go on and on and on. This kept on destroying her self esteem bit by bit until she reached seniors.  

I can't even count exactly how many times she would come home crying and looking sad. How many times she told me she didn't want to live. How many times I caught her climbing up to the rooftop of our house, sometimes school. This cycle was killing her mind itself.  

I sometimes blame myself for not helping her. 

She is such a wonderful person. So beautiful and really kind-hearted. Some people just didn't recognise or appreciate the fact that they had a loyal friend by their side. She would always get used by the others. And then, they would gaslight her and trick her into blaming herself for who she was and then- leave her. Just like that. Not even remembering what she had done for them. Just over one thing that may have slipped out of her mouth unintentionally they would take offence and would treat her like a dog for that slip of tongue. Lying with a straight face, mentally manipulating their victim and then destroying their ability to make decisions on their own. Crushing the victim's self esteem.

It was really terrible. 

Just terrible. 

And I have to admit, she isn't the only victim out here.

 There are many others like her as well. 

More than you think there are. 

Many more...

Loads ...

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