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How frightening can this be? 

What could she do to us anyways? 

She knows damn well that she has no right to do this to someone else's kids.

She knows that she has no legal right to even lay a hand on us.

She knows this fact too well.


She could still punish us without hurting us physically. She could do punish us mentally too.

Y/N is silent. It isn't even her fault. I was the one who said no, not her. Well, life lesson learnt : LIFE IS TOTALLY UNFAIR. No one is on your side. Not even the ones who are close to you. It's true.

Unfortunately, this girl has suffered this hard truth more than twice. One with that wretch of a friend, Rebecca and one far back in the past. And now, she was to suffer even more. 

We slowly arrive home. Everything is dead silent. 

"What's the time?"

 "12 am" 

I take my place at the door. Be brave Taehyung. You are ready for this, be strong! 


No answer. 

I knock again and this happens once more. We stay there in the dark for a good ten minutes. 

I look up to the sky. I was paranoid for some reason, I felt as if someone was looking at us from our window. And guess what....

Y/N looks up as well. "ARRRRRRRRRGGGHHH!!!" She screams. The poor girl. She can't take the fact that her own mother was staring at her almost as if she was going to kill her.  That was one traumatic scream as well. She must have remembered a few terrible incidents that had happened to her - a relapse! It was one of her rare fits! ( More on that later!)

"Y/N, calm down!"

"I don't want to go in!"

"It's fine! She can't do anything to us!"


"You have to, where will you go to sleep?"

"I DON'T CARE IF I HAVE TO SLEEP OUTSIDE ON THE ROAD, JUST please DON'T MAKE ME GO INSIDE TAEHYUNG! PLEASE!" She starts to cry violently. "Don't Taehyung, please"

I stare up to see if that woman is still there.  She disappeared. 

Oh and wait a minute... What did I just find in my pocket? The key to our house! How AMAZING IS THAT THEN?! I could have opened that door without bringing to much attention on our current situation. I MADE MY SISTER CRY!! (here we go again!) AND THAT WAS THE WORST THING THAT I COULD HAVE DONE! MAKE A 16 YEAR OLD GIRL CRY FOR HER DEAR LIFE !!!!!

"Ok, I won't make you go inside anymore. Please calm yourself down, you might get sick!"


"Why don't we take a little walk in a park?"

She gets up slowly, still hiccuping with her tears, and holds onto my shoulder.

"Let's go,"

Ok, you might be wondering what I meant about that relapse thing right? 

Y/N has a small issue with her mental health. All the traumatic experiences that she has had in her past have had a big time effect on her state of mind. When similar event happens to her again, her mind is immediately reminded of what actually happened to her in the past and she gets a fit. 

It's sad right? 

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