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I feel as if I am about to throw up. This is something that I have been practising for ages. Ji Woo even helped me by watching me practice. She told me that I was ready for the bigger challenge. An audition!

I wanted to debut in a kpop group or as a solo artist. 

So here I am, at the auditioning studio (B*gH*t) and am waiting for my turn. This is the same company in which Taehyung and the others were going to audition last time but they couldn't. They are also here, for another audition. Taehyung told me that he wanted to debut with the others as a group of 7 because each one of them was highly talented in one of the arts. I think that they will be successful.

I hope they are.

"Y/N! Please come up onto the stage thank you!"

Oh no, not now!

BUT IT'S NOW OR NEVER- it was my turn to shine.

Let's just hope that everything goes well!

"Ah, hello!"

"So you are number 312? Please tell us a bit about yourself!"

"I am Kim Y/N and I am 16 years old. I would like to pass this audition and either debut as a solo artist or a member of a group."

"That's lovely! Well, the stage is all yours now!"

Here. We. Go...


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