Watching the film...

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NOTE TO READERS: Taehyung is now narrating

She comes into the room with her jaw dropped open. 

"Oh... MY...DAYS!!!" Her face framed the most happiest expressions that I have ever seen. God, she really loved this! I am glad she did. We share a lot of things in fact, except our DNA that is. 

She drops onto the couch, ditching her crutches.

"Where's the popcorn at then?"

"Right here!"

"What film are we watching then?"

"You choose!" I hand her a few CDs of our favourites and she picks a romantic comedy, her favourite type of movie and surprisingly mine too. 

The movie plays and I place myself beside her. Just a little bit distanced. It's such a shame that it didn't turn out how I wanted it to though but at least I got my feelings out of the way which is a massive relief. Looks like she is right. I definitely don't want to do anything illegal at this rate. OH NO!

She moves closer toward me and I try my hardest to scoot ever so slowly away from her. I have to keep in mind that she is only my lawful and legal sister and will only stay my lawful and legal  sister forever. NOTHING ELSE! 

I am watching this really funny movie. It is about a love triangle, for me they are jokes! It is so funny to see these lovers going beyond their limits to get what they want. I completely absorbed into the film when I feel my left shoulder weighing down. With the corner of my eye I see that this girl is resting her head on my shoulder. I don't react. If I did then she would realise that I was upset. I am upset but not because of her though, of course not. She didn't do anything wrong, in fact she helped me out, telling me that I was making a BIG mistake. As well as this she was the reason I got my feelings out when they were about to take another turn. I guess I'm grateful for it.

I continue watching, film is getting boring though, the interesting bits have just faded away and I am just plainly bored. Instead of asking to change the film, I decide to focus on the popcorn. She is still resting her head on my shoulder which has now started to hurt a little but for some obvious reason I didn't budge. 

She wasn't eating at all. She wasn't even moving. Did she die from lack of blood???

No, she was asleep. On my shoulder. Nice.

The film started to get really boring that I wanted to change it but if I moved to change it then I might wake Y/N up. And when she wakes up like that, she gets proper grumpy and I don't want a grump in the house right now especially not a grump like her (when she turns into one). 

I suddenly remember that there was once this video that I watched when this person moved a grapefruit with their eyes! What if I try that? Surely I can do that with my genius mind. 

(Einstein is so overrated!)


Ughhh.... IT'S NOT WORKING!!

My mind and eyes are worn out. Today was such a busy day! It didn't even turn out how I wanted it to turn out but oh well...

I wonder what Rebecca is doing. I bet she probably has some sort of shrine in her house with my face pasted everywhere. Even though that was just a thought, a girl like her, you might as well just expect that XD!

So int he end I decide to entertain myself by doing a little imagine in my head about what Rebecca does at this shrine. My eyes feel so damn tired. They feel as if they were about to shut. I don't want to do that! Not over here, not with this girl resting on my shoulder!

It is futile, honestly, my mind just slowly tells my eyes to shut and I...


Slowly fall asleep still imagining that funny scenario...

I hope no one finds me like this...

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