A box?

72 5 1


Wow, that prank had me there. And that is why I am blanking Y/N.  

But why should I ignore her like that? It was only a prank right? I mean, she even said herself that it was so what is my problem. 

Right now, I am getting on with some homework that I got as well as battling with my thoughts. Y/N keeps knocking at my door.  It's so strange having different rooms now, she always has to knock on the door to enter whereas before she could just enter. The one thing that I still haven't got use to was the fact that there is a lock on the door. Well, I guess it may help in surprises that I may have to prepare in the future...or not...

She keeps knocking again and again. 

"Hey! Open the door already!" she says

"What do you want anyways?!" 

"I'll break in if you don't open the damn lock!" Ok, hold up! Somehow, she was a master at opening locked door with her bare hands. She could break the mechanism of the poor lock and could barge in at anytime. 

And let me give you an example of such an event: 

 Once, me and her came home from school and we realised that Y/N had left the keys at home and our door was locked because our mother had locked it before heading off for work. So basically, we were locked out of our own home. I decided to call mother even though I knew that it would annoy mother. Y/N snatched my phone from my hand and told me not to even dare  think of calling her. I instantly thought of calling her despite my sister's clear warning. (Wait, did I just call her my sister?) 

Here is what she exactly said: "Taehyung, don't even dare think about calling mother! I started this so I find an end to this!" An that is when she handed my phone back, dropped her bag on the floor and placed her hands on the door. And then the most amazing thing happens, she bends her elbows, moves back from the door, takes a deep breath and charges into the door, which then bursts open!

And I am just standing there with my jaw dropped open. She gives a small smug smile, picks her bag from the floor and heads inside. Yes people, there you have the amazing strength of a girl who you would least expect it from. 

So now, back to the present! :)

I immediately get up from my seat and open the door, trying to look pretty bothered. There she is, holding a box? 

"Here." She hands the box over and goes back to her room and slams the door shut. 

What was this for? A present? A project of appreciation maybe? It was covered in a really nice wrapping paper. So colourful with a bow neatly placed at the top. Hmm...

I take this mysterious box back into my room and place it on my desk which was crowded with paper and all my important stuff AKA posters of my favourite band members and all the stuff in my amazing "FUTURE BOARD" ( don't ask me what that is...) 

I don't open it straight away, in case it was some sort of trap that was there or a nasty surprise (please, you could expect anything from that girl! She is not as innocent as she looks!Even though I have to admit myself that I fall for those puppy eyes sometimes...) 

I play around with this mysterious box. But obviously, curiosity reaches the better side of me and I decide to open it....

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