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Your head feels awful. Your left arm and right leg feel heavy for some reason. Strange beeping noises are all around you. It suddenly clocks that you are in hospital. That strange hospitaly-ish whiff nauseated you. You are wide awake in your bed and are waiting for some news about Taehyung. Your mother isn't in the room and she doesn't even know if you are awake. 

It has been a while since you have ever been to hospital. The last time that you went was probably when you were five. 10 years ago! Your mother never even took you to the GP, only the dentist. Whenever you or your brother got hurt, you would only bandage everthing up at home. Your mother knew all these ailments to various things.

You decide that you have had enough and open your mouth to call your mother. But it suddenly struck you that she said never to call her mother ever again. What do you call her then? Woman? Hey? Oi? You there? 


The curtain lifts and you see the face of a very pale mother, your mother. Her face was as as white as paper and her eyes were red. She had been crying.

"(Y/N)! Oh my goodness, you are awake! How do you feel?"

You ignore her irrelevant questioning.

"Where is Taehyung?" 

Your mother lifts the curtain further and commes inside the room. 

"Does your head hurt, sweet?"

She seems to be ignoring your question on purpose. This frustrates you even more.

"Where is Taehyung?" You repeat again trying not to release any fury that is building up inside you.

" Your head hit against the stone steps of the fireplace and you broke your arm and leg in the fight you had at school, you have to use a wheel-"

"EOMMA! TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" You yell, not able to control yourself. 

"get into the wheelchair (Y/N) and I'll show you where he is,"

A nurse enters and helps you into your wheelchair. You felt so limited in life for some reason, all wrapped up in plasters and bandages but all you could think of was your brother. 

Caught in a LieМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя