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It was nice to see Y/N again after such a long time. She was her usual self: kind, shy, and funny and at times a bit awkward. 

But Taehyung was acting a bit strange. He seemed a little put off with her presence. Did they have some sort of argument?  

"Taehyung-ah, are you ok?" I ask. He really seemed a bit down to me or was it because I was so full of energy. 

He looks up at me and then smiles a very vague smile with a small nod. He was lying to me. 

"Are you sure?"

"I'm good," still, those small answers again. "I need some time on my own, so I'm gonna go" 

Oh. Already? He didn't even eat much. Something was really going on with him. Maybe I should talk with him later when he comes back to the dorm. Or should I ask Namjoon since they share the same room? Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. 

This kid is going through the same phase as I went through so it's really easy to know what's going on in their strange little minds. Sometimes I get so curious that I wish I could read minds. 

Taehyung stands up and walks toward the exit. Y/N also gets up and follows him but he stops her.

" I said on my own." and then he leaves the venue with his face mask on. 

She makes a face at him but he just leaves her standing there. I really felt that. That was a little bit harsh. Gosh, he was really in a bad mood right now. Y/N stays there for a minute and then comes back to the table. 

"Guys, has he been like this for a while?" she asks. 

"Well, he's usually very talkative in the office and at home. I don't really get why he's like this right now,"

"Which of you lot share a room with him?"

"Oh, I do"

"Has he mentioned anything- like his feelings or something like that?"

"No, not really. The only thing he once said to me was that Jungkook reminded him of his brother, but then aren't you guys twins?" 

She looks a bit uncomfortable, but still continues. 

 "Ah, yes, about that..."

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