Wake up!

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I have to say that I am a little bit nervous right now about this 'meeting'/'lunch' that this stranger's manager has set for us. I mean, what if this person didn't have good intentions or what if she was a fan or whatever. 

Maybe I should just focus on my hunger and then worry about the other stuff. 

The good thing was that I didn't have to spend my allowance on any lunch today!!!! YAYYY!!!! But I brought some just in case because it doesn't really look nice. 

I arrive at this empty restaurant where I approach a waitress and ask her if she could lead me to my reservation, or her manager's reservation. This was a restaurant that I had wanted to eat from for a while and looks like it was written in my destiny that I would eat from here very soon. 

The waitress leads my to this small "special" section which is filled with hearts and roses. Ummm... nice...? It looked great though...! 

That was when I spotted a girl (and freaked out a little) who was slumped across the table. Was she ok????

"Thank you ma'am. I'll let you know when we are ready to order!" 

The waitress leaves and here I am with this really weird stranger who seems to be...... asleep? Well, her eyes were shut and I could hear small little purring sounds, just like the one I heard from whenever I stroked my neighbour's cat. Aww, it sounded cute though... 

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! Look, I'm hungry so I can't really think straight....

But how was I meant to wake her up. What if she got really mad at me for waking her up. Well, technically she doesn't really have the right to because she is meant to treat me to a lunch. So I guess I should wake her up. And I had the best way to do exactly that. 

I filled myself a cup of water, well my genius idea was going to require some precise scientific skills if I wanted it to work well. After filling the cup, I walk round to her shoulder but I don't look where I was walking and "trip up" on the handles of her bag and "accidentally" drop a bit of water on her....which did the trick!!! 

She gasps....

And now for some acting! I fall onto the floor in the most dramatic way possible, trying to make it look natural as well. And then I give out a small distress signal to alert her.


"Oh my days!! Are you ok? I'm so sorry! Did you trip up on my bag?"

"Ughhh... yeah, don't worry about me!" I get up from the floor and look at this stranger's face. She was wearing a black face mask, the same one from the other day. "I think karma just got me there because I gave you a umm, nosebleed...sorry about the other day, I still regret it a lot."

"Oh, never mind that day, are you ok now though?"

"Good as new!"

She chuckles- which sounded familiar. But I forgot to ask her the main question! 

"By the way, I actually forgot to ask you, what's your name?" 

Her eyes widen and her gaze falls to her mask. Slowly she removes the mask and there I am left totally shook with my eyes wide enough to fall out of their places. 


Y/N was the one who I gave a nose bleed to?! She was the one looking into our office?! HOW WAS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Why was she using honorifics anyways? We knew each other so well!

"Y/N?" She looks up but then looks down again.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you before,"

"Don't even worry about it! Actually I should be the one saying sorry- for giving you a nose bleed"

"Actually, what I wanted to say was that, my manager is a bit of a crazy woman. She was the one who reserved us this table in this....erm...room, I would like to apologise on my manager's behalf, she is just like that sometimes unfortunately," She looks down again. 

"Oh, to be honest I don't really mind it at all." Was that a bit over the top???? Maybe I should just stay quiet from now on wards. 

"Should we order?"

"OK, what would you like?"

After we order, we talk but she seems a little distressed for a little bit. Almost as if she didn't really want to talk.  Is she even the same Y/N I knew of before joining the company? 

Her attitude was different to the last time I saw her (which was a while ago). Maybe it was just stress. I suffered from it too, but I guess not as much as she did. Y/N was a solo artist and I was with a group with the others. Sometimes I wonder though, what if we were all in one group all together. Maybe she would have been happier. 

Just then, my phone starts to ring. 


He was overly protective over me for some reason. Lately, I have realised that he always calls me up during break whenever I'm not with them. 

"Who is it?"

"Oh, just Taehyung"

"You should pick it up then," 

"Should I tell him that I'm with you?"

"Um, I don't really mind. Only if you want to really"

If I did, what if he turns up at the venue and gets the wrong idea of the whole lunch because of the room that we were in. 

Maybe it was better not to mention who I was with.

I pick up. 


"Having lunch wi-" DON'T!


"Um, the one which I told you about..."

"Well, we are there to! Where are you by the way? The place isn't even busy!"

OH MY FREAKING NIGHTMARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

What was I going to do now? 

"I'm busy eating, I'll come over after I'm done"

"Hey, why I can I hear your double? Are you with someone?"

"Bye!" And I shut the phone before he could say anything else

Y/N was staring at my face looking shook. 

"What's up? I can hear Taehyung, are the others here too?"

"Ahh, yesssss....."

"what's wrong?"

"Umm...you see, recently, Taehyung has been 'extra protective' about me lately and every time I go out to some place alone, he always calls up to check up on me to make sure that I'm ok and stuff..."

"Yeah, isn't that a good thing though? You know, having a hyung who cares about you?"

"It is, honestly it really is, but I sometimes wonder though, why meeee......?"

Y/N smiles, "He's always been like that, he likes to take care of things and people"

" I see,"

" I think we should go to them, as in take our meals to their table and have a nice lunch together as friends"

As much as I liked the idea, part of me wants to stay with Y/N for the whole of our lunch break and spend time with each other, just the two of us, not the others. But again, wasn't that being a bit too greedy? The others haven't seen her in a while neither has her brother, Taehyung. 

"Yeah, sure! Lets go!" 

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