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That night out was so fun. 

Just you and Taehyung. And the empty amusement park- almost felt like as if you owned the world.  

Nothing made you feel more happier than to spend some quality time with the boy who you called " brother" - not that he really was your blood brother.

This day, this life had only just taken a turn. A positive turn. You felt much more relaxed and stress free. You really did deserve it. 

As for Taehyung, this time you really did not know what to say about him. That expression that he had on his face could not possibly be fake. It was one of his bright boxy smile and it did not leave his face for one second. Being all alone in this amusement park with him was such a great way to escape the reality of your lives. Demolish this hate with thrill and excitement.

"Do you want more cotton candy?"

"Nah, I don't want my ear to start hurting again.."

"What ride should we go on next?"

" That rollercoaster!"

"Let's go!"

A rollercoaster was the best way to experience a mixture of emotions. The ideal way to get rid of the growing toxic that was stuck inside you. 

"After this, I wanna go home Taehyung,"

"You sure?"

"Yeah" That wasn't now- it was AFTER the rollercoaster.


Experiencing those emotions made you mentally exhausted. All you wanted to do now was just fall asleep and dream without any interuption. You hope that it was possible because lately you hadn't been able to get to sleep properly.

"Go inside, I'm coming" says Taehyung as you reach home.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm coming,"

"You ignored my question Taehyung, where are you off to?"



"You go and get some rest, I will wake you up in the morning"

You give up trying to ask him. "Come home quickly then!"


I am stuck. In a room where it is only white and nothing else. Just those four walls and the roof and the floor, nothing else. I feel suffocated. Almost as if I were underwater. I can't breathe. There is no water in the room but I can't breathe. Almost as if I had all the air inside me vacuumed out. The room starts to fade and everything starts to turn dark. I am embedded in pure darkness but the suffocation disappears. A pain arises in my back, as if something was piercing its way out of my skin. In fact, something was. Small soft feathers emerge from my shoulder blades. Strong bone, covered in a thin layer of skin and muscle and feathers grow from my back, torturing me as they grew. They grow and grow and grow. Soon the pain stops and a small pond of clear blue water appears in the floor. I move forward to see myself. And there, infront of me in the water, was my own reflection but it had a slight twist. 

I had wings.



That was the sound of your alarm bell. You absolutely hated its ugly sound. No matter what happened, it always had you wide away within a second.


That must be Taehyung! 

"Come in!"

The door opens. 

But it wasn't Taehyung.

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