When His Brothers Crash a Date

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Hey everyone! Ninjagoisbetter is starting up her first Ninja x reader, so make sure you show her some love and go check out her book!

"You, me. Date. Tonight." Kai says, leaning on the wall in front of you.

"Who says I'm gonna say yes?" You tease, mirroring his stance.

"Because it's the weekend, you're caught up on schoolwork, and you love me." He smirks

"I don't know about that last one." You smirk

Kai grasps his chest being dramatic

"Oh! How you cut me deep!"

"I thought you were a ninja... I didn't know you had experience in acting." You tease

"Didn't Sensei tell you it's part of the package." Kai smirks

You laugh and playfully punch him.

"Alright, Flame Brain. I'll take you up on your offer." You smirk

"I knew you couldn't resist." Kai smirks giving you a kiss on the lips.

~time skip~

Kai takes you to (F/R), and triumphantly smirks.

"I remembered! See!" Kai says pulling your chair out for you.

You sit down and giggle as he pushes your chair in.

"I never doubted you for a minute, Kai." You say as he sits down.

"Then you'll love me even more when- oh look our food is already here!" Kai says rubbing his hands together.

"But we didn't even order!" You say as the waitress sets your usual order down in front of you.

"I called ahead! Aren't you impressed?" Kai smirks as he sets his napkin on his lap.

"Very." You smile and start to eat

Barely a moment later, the ninja burst in with their suits on

"Kai! Kai! Kai!" Jay says

"I heard you the first time you said my name!" Kai snaps

"We've gotta go!" Jay says

"No, you've got to go! I'm on a date!" Kai says looking back to you

"Kai, Sensei said all of us." Lloyd says

Kai groans and runs a hand down his face. Anger starting to grow in his eyes.

"It's alright Kai. I'll get a to-go box and we can enjoy it after you get back." You say gently squeezing his hand.

"That's not the point, (Y/N)! I wanted to spend one night with you!" Kai says anger still in his voice

"Well, that wish will still come true, because she's coming with us." Lloyd says.

"I am?" You ask.

"That's still not the point!" Kai yells, as everyone in the restaurant turns to look at him.

"Kai, it's really okay! It's not your fault. Besides, we can easily reschedule." You smile.

Kai huffs and does spinjitzu, changing into his suit, before storming off. You sigh at Kai's actions, before changing into your suit, and following the others to the mission.

"I have a surprise for you!" Jay exclaims happily.

"What would that be Jay?" You ask, looking up from the book you are reading.

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