Chapter 1 - Do nightmares come true?

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"Please don't go! Let me explain...Please don't go! Please!"

I suddenly felt someone shaking me.

"Taehyung wake up! Wake up!"

I open my eyes and I see Namjoon next to me looking worriedly at me. My eyes were trying to adjust to the light in the room. My heart was still racing. I was glad to see Namjoon next to me. It was a dream. I kept telling myself it was just a dream. A nightmare to be exact!

"Hey are you OK? Speak to me?" Namjoon said while holding my hand tightly. I took a deep breath and nodded.

I am OK hyung. I am sorry I woke you up. I am OK, really." Namjoon was looking at me as if he was trying to read my mind to see if I was really OK.

I lied! The images from the dream were still vivid in my mind. Cold sweat was running down my back. I wasn't OK but I couldn't tell him. I didn't know what to tell him. I couldn't tell anyone...I was scared to even admit it to myself.

"Hey I'm OK!" I said trying to convince him by his unspoken thoughts.

"You really scared me! You were shouting in your sleep. Something like 'please don't go'. Your voice was sounded devastated. That must have been a bad nightmare" he said without letting my hand go.

I just nodded in agreement trying to avoid talking about it...pushing my tears back. " Do you want to talk about it?", he asked. I shook my head with a tear running down my cheek.

"Taehyungie you can talk to me about anything. You know, that right?"

I nodded trying to avoid eye contact. Namjoon gave me a hug. He pulled my hand to make me stand up and said "Come on, let's go and sleep in my bed. I know you sleep better when someone is next to you".


"Taehyung come on" he interrupted me.

I decided not to argue and do as he said. I grabbed my pillow and laid next to him. Namjoon turned the lights off and I was again in the darkness.

"Close your eyes and sleep. Tomorrow we have a big day. You need to rest." Namjoon's soft voice echoed in the room.

"Thank you hyung. Sleep well."

I closed my eyes but all I could see was his face...His eyes looking at me with disappointment and disgust. If he ever feels that way about me...if I ever lose him as a fault of my own, I don't know if I can handle it. Why did I let myself get this far? Why aren't these feelings going away? It wouldn't have been much easier if I could erase them...If I could erase him from my heart...

How could I ever tell him? I can't do this to everyone. I shook my head trying to get rid of these thoughts. It will make things more complicated. Our popularity is growing. We have so many opportunities for bigger and better things as a group. If I tell him, I can ruin everything.

Jungkook is just your friend and nothing else. I kept repeating this over and over in my head, hoping that when I wake up I won't feel like this anymore...I won't be in love with him anymore.

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