Chapter 45 - Taking action

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                                                  Taehyung's Point of View

Talking with Jungkook left me with more questions. Why does he want to protect me? It can't just be the incident at the hospital.

There must be more into it for him to feel so afraid to the point of pushing me away.

I run my fingers through my hair, pulling them back in desperation. I need to find out what's happening and help him. If I am in danger, then he might be as well.

I fetched my phone from my pocket.

"Minho, we need to talk. Now! Bring Jimin also. I will see you both at the rooftop"

I was pacing up and down, waiting impatiently for them to show up. It was freezing cold outside but that somehow helped me to stay calmer. The icy breeze piercing through my body was distracting me from unnecessary thoughts.

I hear the door opening behind me. I saw Minho and Jimin appear behind it looking puzzled as to what we were doing here.

"There are more than 10 rooms in the building that we could use but we had to come out here to freeze to death?" Jimin started complaining and he hasn't been out here for more than 30 seconds.

"What's happening Taehyung?" Minho asked.

"I spoke with Jungkook..."

"Thanks to me! You are welcome...and from the hickey on your neck you didn't just talk" Jimin said with a smirk on his face not letting me complete my sentence.

I placed my hand on my neck in response to his comment. I felt my cheeks blushing as I remembered where I was and what I was doing just few hours ago.

"Jimin this is not the time for jokes." I responded trying to hide my embarrassment and bring the conversation back on topic.

"Did he say anything about the hooded guy with the gun?"

"Who with what?" Jimin's mouth dropped open at Minho's question. I didn't tell him.

"Jimin, that night that I found Jungkook, I was actually planning to leave and go back to Daegu. I felt someone following us. Once at the hotel and the other time when I was with Jungkook outside waiting for the ambulance. After that I didn't feel or notice anything strange until Minho saw a guy with black hoodie and a mask, holding a gun standing outside his room at the hospital" I tried to explain briefly.

"What? Are you sure he was holding a gun? Is he after you or Jungkook or both? This is serious Taehyung! Why didn't you say anything all this time? You might both be in great danger here. It's not the time to keep secrets!" Jimin looked mad and concerned at the same time.

He took a step forward and put his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Jimin, I am fine" I said as I was patting his back to comfort him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there Taehyung. I am really sorry." Jimin said against my ear, hugging me for a little longer.

"So, what did Jungkook say?" Minho insisted.

"I asked him why we can't be together, and he said he couldn't tell me, if he doesn't talk to me then he won't hurt me, that he can't lose control and get too close to me because I will be in danger. He seemed really scared. He knows more, I am sure."

"So, they are after you but want Jungkook to stay away from you?! Makes no sense to me." Minho said and then he looked lost in his thoughts.

"He is threatening Jungkook that if he you get back together then he would hurt you. But why and who could it be?" Jimin added.

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