Chapter 10 - The first but not the last

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                                  Jungkook's Point of View

(The chapter begins with the last scene of Chapter 9)

As I was approaching the nurse room, I could hear Tae's voice. His voice made me smile instantly.

He was talking about his hometown.

I then hear another man talking. I stopped walking. I was few steps away from the door.

They were both talking about Daegu. They were talking about a restaurant that had the best fried chicken and the owner apparently was really weird. They were laughing. I felt my blood boiling.

Who was he and why was he talking to Tae? Is he the nurse? The more they were talking the more irritated I was getting. The other guy was talking to Tae way too sweetly. Almost flirting with him.

I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts. Maybe I was just being unreasonable. Why am I reacting like this? He can talk with other guys. "Calm down Jungkook" I said to myself while taking deep breaths.

"You have beautiful hands" I heard the other man saying.

That's it! I am going in! I said to myself and before I knew it I entered the room.

I see the nurse and Taehyung sitting across from each other. The nurse was holding Taehyung's hand and was wrapping a gauze strip around his wound.

"What's taking you so long? We need to start dressing up" I finally said not being able to hide my annoyance.

They both looked at me. The nurse gave me a shy smile and continued to take care of Taehyung's hand. Taehyung was looking at me confused. Probably trying to understand why I was so rude. I didn't even acknowledge the nurse's presence. I couldn't help it.

"You are ready to go" the nurse said and smiled widely at Tae.

"Make sure you change the dressing on your hand in two days' time, like I showed you and you will be fine" the nurse added and squizzed Tae's hand gently.

I made a fist with both my hands in an attempt to stop myself from grabbing the nurse and tell him to stop flirting with him.

"Thank you! I will do as you said." Taehyung said politely to him while glancing between the nurse and me.

"Jungkook, this is Minho. He is one of the nurses of the venue tonight. He is also from Daegu. His house is two blocks down from mine. Isn't that crazy?" Taehyung said looking way too excited for my liking.

"Nice to meet you Jungkook" Minho said and extended his hand for a handshake. I shook his hand quite firmly, staring deep into his eyes, hoping to get my message across.

I could see in his eyes that he was surprised at my firm handshake. Maybe I squizzed harder than I should but oh well.

"We need to go" I said trying to get us out of there as quickly as possible.

"Thank you again Minho! Let's catch up for a coffee sometime" Taehyung said while walking out the room.

"I would love to! Good luck for tonight" Minho responded with a wide smile on his face.

Catch up for a coffee? I was angry before but now I'm mad! They don't need to catch up, talk or do anything ever again! Couldn't Taehyung see that he was flirting with him? Why would he encourage him?

We walked down the corridor without saying anything. Taehyung looked around before grabbing my hand.

"What are you looking for? The dressing room is this way" I say trying to contain my anger.

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