Chapter 21 - Letting go

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                                                  Taehyung's Point of View

My entire body was trembling. I don't know if he could see it. I tried my best to compose myself and be as convincing as possible.

I felt my body getting numb with every word I was saying. I could see he was hurting. I could see the pain I caused him the past week.

Fighting with him...ignoring him...avoiding him...all for his own good I kept telling myself. It sounds cruel and it is.

I couldn't bring myself to break up with him on our anniversary. I was selfish. I wanted to spend few more happy moments together.

A week later here I am... The moment I was dreading the most was about to unfold.

"All I want from you, is you...all of you! But it seems that you have forgotten about us lately...It seems that I don't have you any more...that I am losing you day by day and...I don't know what to do to bring you back to me..." Jungkook said with tears running down his cheeks.

His words have woken my numb body. Every emotion I tried to suppress has resurfaced and the pain was excruciating.

I had to use all the energy left in me to not run to him...wipe his tears take his pain away...

I clenched my fingers into a fist in an attempted to compose myself and not break down.

"There is nothing you can do Jungkook...I can't come back to you..." I finally blurted out.


Jungkook took a step back to support himself with his back on the wall. He was examining every inch of me with his eyes.

He seemed to be in disbelief of the person standing in front of him. I didn't recognise myself either.

"You can't come back? What does that mean? I don't understand..." Jungkook's trembling voice broke the silence.

"Things have changed Jungkook...for me. I...I don't want to be in this relationship anymore." I managed to say, hoping that this will end soon. I don't know how long I can keep myself together.

Jungkook was shaking his head as if he was not approving of what I just said. "You are joking right? This is not funny Tae. You don't want us to be together anymore?"

Jungkook started walking towards me. He stood in front of me with only few inches between us. His tears were continuously streaming down his cheeks.

He placed both his hands around my face. I clenched my fingers into my palm even harder. I could feel my nails deep into my flesh. I could no longer hold my tears back.

"What did I do wrong? Whatever I did, I am sorry. Please let me fix it and we can be together. Tell me what I did wrong?" Jungkook was pleading me.

I placed my hands on his, pealing them away from my face and placing them down.

"You didn't do anything wrong. This is not your fault. I thought us, is what I wanted. Being together made me realise that we are better off as friends. Like we were before all these." I didn't know what else to tell him.

Since the meeting with his parents, this was eating my brain. What explanation will I give for my decision.

Telling him the truth will create war between us and our families...and I can't get Mrs Jeon's words out of my head.

"With you, things are risky. He can lose everything. With Mija his future is safe! If you really care about Jungkook then you need to let him go. Don't jeopardize his future and reputation"

All I wanted was for him to be happy.

"All these? Is that what we are to you? Everything we have been together the last three months? Everything you said to me, every time we made love, it was you realising you want to be friends?"

Jungkook took a step back increasing the space in between us.

"That's not what I meant Jungkook. Everything we have been together I will cherish forever. It was special for me too. But I cannot continue something that I don't feel anymore. It's not fair to you or me."

Listening to myself made me want to puke. I never thought that I would be doing this...That I would end my relationship with Jungkook.

He was the one for me. I didn't want anyone else. Countless times I dreamed about our future together. Dreams that I was certain they will become our reality one day.

"Is this happening because of him? Is that why you changed? Did you fall for him? Did you bring him here?" Jungkook bombarded me with questions. I could see the agony in his eyes waiting for my answer.

I was tempted to confirm Jungkook's fears that I have fallen for someone else. I knew that he would do anything for me to be happy, as I was doing this for him.

"Jungkook this has nothing to do with Minho." I said not being able to admit to another lie. I knew it would break him even more, especially now that he will be working with us.

"It doesn't make sense just doesn't!" Jungkook said wiping his tears way and closing the gap between us once again.

He run his fingers all the way up my shoulder and softly caressed my neck, making me shiver from head to toe. I took a step back to get out of his reach.

"I know you Tae. You can lie to me all you want but your body never has and never will" Jungkook continued and kept walking towards me.

"Jungkook! Stop!" I exclaimed while I pushed him away from me. He fell on the floor. I can't believe I just did that. I was scared. If he was to get close to me, I wouldn't be able to control myself.

His brown eyes were piercing right through me. His tears came back...his pain was stronger. I bent down to help him up.

"Don't!" he shouted at me.

Before Jungkook got the chance to say anything else, the meeting room door opened. I looked up to see who it was.

To my relief it was Namjoon. He quickly closed the door behind him. He looked at me and then Jungkook.

Namjoon immediately helped Jungkook up from the floor and tried to wipe Jungkook's tears.

"What happened? Jungkookie why were you on the floor?" Namjoon asked looking worried and confused at the same time.

I couldn't look at either of them. I kept my gaze on the floor. I could see my tears falling on my shoes and then on the floor.

"Taehyung! What happened?" Namjoon said in a demanding manner.

I looked up, meeting Jungkook's eyes.

"We broke up" I said with the little energy left in me.

Hearing those words coming out of my mouth made my body freeze into place. The pain was too strong that I couldn't feel anything anymore.

Jungkook passed me in a rush, pushing me as he was leaving.

It was over...

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