Chapter 39 - Trapped

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                                                      Jungkook's Point of View

Everything was mixed up in my head. Conversations. Laughter. Crying. Steps.

The only thing I was certain about was him. I could feel it when he was with me. Next to me. His touch.

Whenever he was gone it was torture. I felt unsettled.... unsafe. When he was with me I knew he was OK...that I will be OK!

The pain was excruciating. My body and mind were waking up and I don't know what was most painful.

He was gone for long now. I didn't feel him with me. I didn't feel anyone.

I am yet to see some light. I was still in deep darkness. I couldn't open my eyes. I tried.

My pain was fading away. I could fully feel my body. My brain felt fully awake but why couldn't I wake up?

My breathing was getting heavier. I was scared.

Where is he? Why isn't he here?

HELP! No one could hear me! I couldn't make a sound.

I felt trapped in my own body.

I heard the door opening. Steps. More than one person. Taehyung was one of them.

Oxygen filled my lungs. I could finally breathe again. They were whispering. I think Minho was the other person.

They were coming closer to me.

"Taehyung, I will start my shift in few minutes. I already told the other nurses here, so they won't be a problem and there is no need to be scared if one of them comes to check on him. I will be Jungkook's main nurse, but other nurses might check on him also."

Minho is helping Taehyung to stay with me? That's new! Maybe I was wrong about him.

"What would I have done without you Minho? I really can't thank you enough for everything you have done. You know how much this means to me! What about the doctor on duty? Will he be a problem if he sees me?"

"I checked and the doctor who is allocated to Jungkook is also an old "friend" of mine."

"I see you have many "friends" in Japan" Taehyung teased him.

Nurses? Doctors? Am I in a hospital?

What happened? I remember talking to Taehyung...well lying to him about Mija and then I just went out to get some air. I was suffocating. And now I am in a hospital.

"Shut up Taehyung! I'm gonna have to withstand his flirting all night because of you. You owe me big time." Minho's voice interrupted my thoughts. His voice was fading away. He was leaving.

"As always...anything you want Minho!"

Anything he wants? My body flinched at the sound of his statement. I can't believe I was still jealous of him, even in the condition I am now. Some things never change I guess.

"I will see you later. Let me know if anything happens or you need anything OK? And please make sure you sleep. There are blankets and pillows in the cabinet there."

"OK OK go! I will be fine"

At least Minho seems caring and supportive of Taehyung. I will be leaving him in good hands. Maybe he can make him happy.

I felt Taehyung's body weight on my bed.

I felt his soft hand on the left side of my face. He placed a warm kiss on my forehead and then on my lips. I was counting. Our lips were connected for 11 seconds.

All my thoughts were vanished. His hot breath on my skin...his sweet scent making my body excited.

I couldn't respond to his kiss. My lips wouldn't obey my command. What was happening to me?

He held my hand without saying anything. He probably thought I was asleep. I wish he could tell me things will be OK...That I would be able to see him, talk to him, hug him...

Why can't I see? Why can't I speak? Why can't I move?

"Jungkookie?" His voice suddenly breaks the silence, as if he heard my unspoken thoughts.

"Can you hear me? Why is your breathing so heavy? Is this normal? Maybe I should call Minho." Just hearing his voice made me more desperate.

Taehyung I am scared...

His hand tightened around mine.

"I'm here Jungkook. Everything is going to be OK...just breathe." Taehyung's words put at me at ease. I really didn't need to speak for him to know.

I heard the door opening again.

"Ah Minho! I was about to call you. His breathing got heavy. He seems better now but I'm worried. Is that normal? Should we put the oxygen mask back on? Maybe he can't breathe well? What do you think?" Taehyung showered Minho with questions.

I don't need an oxygen mask. I just need to wake up. How can I get out of this trap?

"Taehyung...we have a problem!" Minho responded with a serious tone in his voice.

What problem? What is happening? My heartbeat began to rise, so was my breathing.

I felt Taehyung's weight leaving the bed. He stood up.

"What problem Minho? With the hospital? Is it for Jungkook? Did the tests showed something? Minho be honest, please! If there is anything wrong with his health I want to know" Taehyung pleaded.

"It's not about the hospital. We are still good with that..."

"I knew it! There is something wrong with Jungkook...I knew the doctor didn't tell us everything! He seems worse than before! He is not moving...he is not making a sound. Something is wrong!" Taehyung interrupted Minho.


It's like I'm alive in a dead body!

"Taehyung stop walking around and listen to me carefully"

My heart was about to jump out of my chest. I felt my body getting hot.

"I am listening!"

"I was walking down the corridor checking on the patient's rooms. I was getting close to Jungkook's. There was someone outside the room. I couldn't see who it was. He was wearing a hoodie and a mask. He kept glancing in Jungkook's room."

"You think paparazzi found Jungkook's room?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't think so Taehyung...Remember the day we found Jungkook? You said that you felt someone following us"

Shit! Someone was following them?

The message!!!

Images of me standing outside in the snow began to flood my mind. I felt both my hands forming into a fist.

"What makes you think that it was the person who followed us?"

I could feel my nails deeper in my skin.

"I am not sure if he was following us or if he was looking for Jungkook but ..."

But what? Why is he hesitating?

"But before he realised I was approaching, he took a gun out of his pocket"

A gun?

"A gun?" Taehyung and I said in unison, but only Tae's voice was heard.

"Which way did he go? I had enough of this! No one will threaten his life. He can take mine if he wants"

I heard steps. Taehyung was getting further away from me. What is he doing? Where is he going?

My eyes shot open.

"Taehyung! Didn't you hear what I said? He...had...a...gun!"

"Let me go Minho"

Everything was blurry. The dimmed lighting of the room was too strong.

I found myself sitting up on the bed screaming his name as loud as I could.


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