Chapter 51 - Innocent or guilty?

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                                                           Jimin's point of view

I saw Jungkook approaching Minho. I placed my bowl on the coffee table in front of me and walked over to them. I knew this wasn't going to end well.

We were all on the edge with Taehyung's condition. We had to move from our previous building. We finished moving in to our new dorms just yesterday.

Jungkook insisted on taking care of Taehyung's belongings. He didn't let anyone to help him even a little bit. He packed everything himself, carried each box himself and even drove them here himself.

He seemed lost in his thoughts. It was like he lost connection with everything and everyone. He barely talked.

I had so many questions...but couldn't voice any of them. At least not now.

I knew that Jungkook knew more about the incident. When the police questioned him, he didn't say anything other than the black hooded guy which they already knew.

I was hoping that the surveillance cameras would shine some light to who was behind all these, to who have shot Taehyung. The police said the cameras were out during the incident.

That immediately created suspicions about the perpetrator being someone within the company. Every single employee including all members were questioned by the police.

They said they will carry out an extensive investigation blah blah blah. Last time they reassured us that there were no further threats and that we were safe and look where that left Taehyung? In the hospital with his life still hanging from a thread.

Minho said that he didn't find anything on Jungkook's phone. Jungkook either got rid of all the evidence or someone else did.

I had my eyes on Mija. I don't know if I can trust her. She was nice and all, but she still had feelings for Jungkook. It was obvious even if she tried to hide it. Would she reach to the point of shooting Taehyung?

Probably not.

Minho...he earned my trust. I saw how much he cared for Taehyung. There was no way that he would hurt him in any way.

But there was something playing on my head that no one seems to have thought or at least voice it out. What if the target wasn't Taehyung?

The door of the dressing room was closed. Whoever fired the gun, couldn't possibly see who was where. What if the target was Jungkook? Does that make Minho a suspect?

He never had a good relationship with Jungkook for obvious reasons but after Jungkook almost lost his life, there was respect between them. They did come closer and Minho always helped Taehyung to be with Jungkook.

I know he used to have feelings for him...romantic feelings but I don't think he does anymore. He genuinely wants Taehyung to be happy and he has realised that his happiness was Jungkook.

If Minho and Mija are innocent, then who could possibly want to hurt us?

I felt my mind was about to explode. All these scenarios and suspects with no evidence.

"Where were you when Taehyung got shot?" I heard Jungkook's voice bringing me out of my endless thoughts.

"Jungkook don't do this" I said trying to avoid yet another fight that won't solve anything.

"Stay out of it Jimin. I asked you a question Minho and I am expecting an answer" Jungkook said firmly. His eyes glued on Minho.

I knew where Minho was when Taehyung was shot but for some reason I was eagerly waiting for his answer.

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