Chapter 29 - Room 415

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                                                      Jungkook's Point of View

I felt numb...I couldn't process what has happened. I rushed out of the room to follow him. I need to talk to explain to him.

I looked both sides of the corridor. He was nowhere to be seen. Where did he go? He can't just disappear.

I hear a soft voice calling my name.


"What do you want?" I replied to Mija irritated.

"Come inside. He is gone" she responded with every word making me angrier.

"Why did you do that? Why? I am your fiancé? Since when? I haven't agreed to anything and you and my parents know that very well by now. Why did you say that? Why?" I confronted her.

"Is Taehyung the reason you don't want to be with me?" Mija said with her voice cracking at the end. I could see she was holding her tears back.

"Yes! He is the reason exactly why I don't want to be with you or with anyone else" I responded.

I had no idea Mija had feelings for me. I thought we were on the same page, that we were just good friends.

Mija was standing next to the door. I was in the middle of the corridor not knowing where to go or do.

Taehyung's word suddenly came into my mind.

"This is how it should be" What did he mean this is how it should be? Me with Mija? Me without him?

"He said this is how it should be! Mija what did he mean?" I asked wnting desperately an answer.

"I don't know, and I don't care Jungkook! But he is shouldn't go against your parents wish. You know what this means to them and my parents" Mija responded.

There was a reason he said that. My mind was racing. I felt it would explode. I placed my hands on my head and sat on the floor. I felt helpless...confused.

Now I know that Taehyung still loves me and wants to be with me, but he chose to run away. Why?

My parents want to hold an engagement party for me and Mija as soon as possible.

Mija has feelings for me...Taehyung thinks I am engaged and I was sitting there powerless.

What am I going to do?

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                                                  Taehyung's Point of View

I heard a soft voice calling Jungkook's name. I broke the kiss immediately and pulled back. Mija's voice brought me back to reality way too quickly.

Jungkook looked lost till he realised she was there.

She had a key to his room? How often does she come to his room? Do they sleep together? All these questions were circulating in my mind.

One questioned escaped from my mouth. "She has a key to your room?"

"Of course, I have a key to his room. He is my fiancé!" Mija responded with her eyes piercing through me.

Her fiancé? He proposed? I need to leave now!!!

I quickly stood up when Jungkook's voice attempted to stopped me from leaving.

"Taehyung wait!"

"Jungkook don't! Stay here with Mija. This is how it should be. I shouldn't have come here in the first place."

"No wait! You don't understand..." Jungkook pleaded.

"Congratulations to both of you" I said quickly and walked out.

I run as fast as I could to my room. I closed the door behind me. I was back into darkness and silence. I could only hear my heavy breathing and my sobs, that I failed holding back.

I did not want to listen to what he had to say. I feel such a fool! Why did I go to his room? I left so he can be happy with Mija. I saw him being happy with her. Why did I kiss him back?

You knew better Taehyung! You did all these, so he can be happy and...

Wait...He initiated the kiss! Was it because he felt guilty of me leaving? Was it because he still loved me?

No that can't be right. I can't be the only one who felt that the kiss was real. He was as desperate as I was. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

I did everything I could to satisfy his parents, to keep the peace within his family and most importantly to see Jungkook happy.

For months now I am fighting my feelings, my wants, my needs and for what? We are both miserable when we are not together. I hurt Jungkook, I hurt myself and all the other members. I left the group...and for what?

That's it! I have sacrificed enough...I have lost everything in my life and yet I don't see anyone happy, especially Jungkook.

I wiped my tears. It's time that I set things right! No more lies. No more pretending. I love him, and I will fight for him.

This is what I should have done from the beginning. Giving up on our love was the biggest mistake I have made. I hope he can forgive me for putting us though all these.

I opened the door and started walking towards the elevator. My heart was pounding.

I was scared about putting everything out there and what Jungkook's reaction will be, but I wanted to be freed from this chaos.

He needed to know, and he can decide what and who makes him happy! Not his parents, not Mija, not myself. He needs to make this decision.

Every second felt like an hour. Why was time passing so slow? I needed to see him. To speak to him.

I couldn't keep still. My fingers were fidgeting. My stomach had butterflies.

I was finally walking down the corridor leading to Jungkook's room. I was reading each room number.

Room 405.

Only ten rooms from his.

Room 409.

Cold sweat was running down my back.

Room 415.

I stopped.

I took a deep breath.

I took one more step. The door to his room was not entirely closed. It was almost half opened.

I could hear talking but couldn't make sense of the words. They were almost whispering.

I took half a step just enough to be able to see inside the room without being seen.

Jungkook and Mija sitting on the floor. Their shoulders were connected. Tears were running down their cheeks.

My heart shuttered into pieces when the box in their hands caught my attention.

It was a red velvet box.

It was a ring box.

And it was in her hands.

Jungkook has made his decision.


My legs have started to walk away without asking for my permission. I remember counting the room numbers as I was walking my way back to my room.

Room 408.

Room 404.

I felt my blood draining out of my veins. I was stumbling over my steps. I could see darkness and then the room numbers appeared again.

Room 400.

It was the last image I had before I collapsed on the floor.

A faded voice calling my name was the last sound I heard before I lost my senses.


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