Chapter 16 - The meeting

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                                                  Taehyung's Point of View

My heart sank...I was looking around the room in disbelief. All eyes were on me. I closed the door behind me. I wanted to speak but words wouldn't come out.

My mind was racing but was blank at the same time. I didn't know what to think, how to act. A knot was formed in my stomach and chest. This didn't feel right...Something was telling me that this meeting wasn't going to end well.

"My baby TaeTae! Come here! I've missed you so much!" My mum stood up from her seat and rushed to towards me.

"Mum...I've missed you too!" I manage to say and gave her a hug. My body was still frozen. I wanted to enjoy the moment with my parents, but I couldn't. My father was here also. Surprisingly he was quiet. He was usually loud and affectionate towards me

"My boy Tae! How are you? You lost weight again. I told you to not skip meals" my father finally said and held me tight in his embrace. I felt better immediately. My parents let go of me and stepped back.

There were another two set of eyes on me this whole time. They never left their gaze off me. Examining every inch of me, like they have never seen me before...

"Mr Jeon, Mrs Jeon it's good to see you again" I found the courage to finally say and bowed to show my respect.

"I believe Jungkook is in his room. Would you like me to call him? He would be thrilled to see you both" I continued.

Why are they here? And why Jungkook wasn't here to see his parents? The knot in my stomach was getting heart felt heavy. From their eyes I could see that I was the one they wanted to see.

"Good to see you as well Taehyung. You have grown up since the last time we saw you", Mrs Jeon said forcing a smile.

"There is no need to call Jungkook... we actually came here to speak to you" Mr Jeon added and motioned me to sit at the chair next to me.

I looked over at my parents. They gave me a subtle nod before they sat down. I pulled the chair under the table and sat down. I was still in shock.

Of all people I did not expect Jungkook's parents to visit me. My heart was racing. I couldn't stop fidgeting with my fingers.

"You want to speak to me about Jungkook?" I asked trying to understand what was this all about.

"We actually want to talk to you about you and Jungkook" Mrs Jeon answered firmly.

The first thought that came to mind is that she knew about our relationship, but then how could they know? We both haven't told our family about us.

"I am not sure I understand" I replied trying to appear calm.

"Taehyungie...we know about your relationship with Jungkook" my mother said and squizzed my dad's hand.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. They know? How? Who? I couldn't take my eyes off my parents. They were everything me to me. I could see their disappointment in their eyes. Was it because I was in a relationship? Was it because I was in a relationship with another man? Was it because I didn't tell them first? Maybe it was all the above...

" am sorry! I...How did you..." I was lost for words. I lowered my head. I could no longer keep eye contact with them. It hurt.

"We received a call from Bang PD few days ago. It's in your contract to inform parents if anything major happens to you and this is pretty huge I must say" my father answered my unspoken questions.

This is not how it was supposed to happen! I wanted to have this discussion with my parents. I have the right to decide when and how to tell them.I was furious with Bang PD-nim. I will have to deal with that later. If they know about me and Jungkook, why am I the only one here?

"I am sorry you found out this way..." Before I got the chance to complete my sentence, I heard my mother's voice interrupting me.

"This is not the time to discuss that Taehyung. We can discuss it later, OK? Taehyung look at me!" she insisted.

I raised my eyes reluctantly and met hers and my father's. I couldn't read their thoughts but the tone in her voice made me feel better...maybe they don't hate me for what I have done...for what I am.

"Mr and Mrs Jeon want to speak to you about something serious. Please listen carefully what they have to say" my father added, and his gaze shifted towards Jungkook's parents.

They want to speak to me about me and Jungkook, something serious but Jungkook couldn't be part of this conversation. What could it be?

I looked deep into their eyes, hoping to get some answers...hoping that this sick feeling I had will go away...hoping to see Jungkook's eyes soon...

"I am listening!"

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