Chapter 26 - SHE

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                                       Jungkook's Point of View

I felt an unwelcome warmth on my face. The sun was out. The morning made its appearance and I was not ready to face another day.

Mornings have become harder and harder to wake up to. I wanted to stay in my room.

I didn't want to do anything, see anyone...especially him. Ironically, he was all I could think about.

Stupidly enough I thought that after the way he treated me I would be able to remove him from my system.

He was deeply anchored in me...I don't know how to uproot him from inside me.

Why do I still feel that we can be together? Why do I still feel that he wants me?

These thoughts were spinning in my mind before I fall asleep...when I wake up...I don't want to feel like this anymore.

Maybe my parents were right. Having Mija here will make things better. She is my childhood friend after all.

I know what their plans are for me and Mija but I can't see how that's going to work. No matter how much I am trying to deny it, I am deeply in love with Taehyung.

Loving him is all I have known love to be...

I sighed and started turning around in my bed. There it was again. An apple and my favourite chocolate bar on my bedside table waiting for me.

I tried to keep myself awake to see who leaves these for me but failed for another night.

I was hoping it was him.

I didn't want to ask the other members about it. I would rather believe that it was Taehyung taking care of me...I would rather believe in a lie.

I forced myself out of bed. I've made some tea and began to eat the chocolate and then the apple.

I needed to prepare myself to be in the same room with him for so many hours of rehearsals.

What made it more difficult was to see him being isolated from the group. I could see that he was in pain also. He lost his friends.

I didn't want that to happen...but they won't listen to me. I know we haven't found a way to be civil towards each other yet, but I hope that we do soon.

For the first time I was glad that Minho was around. They seem to get along really well. He smiled often when he was around him.

I am not going to lie, he still gets on my nerves, but he makes Taehyung smile. That was enough for me.

I checked the time. Rehearsals will begin soon and Mija is coming to stay with us today. I was nervous to see her.

We haven't spoken for few years and I haven't seen her for even longer. We were good friends, so I hope we could still be that.

                                                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was outside the building, at the back door waiting for my parents and Mija. I couldn't stand still. Why aren't they here yet?

I finally saw a car turning into the building parking. Mum was waving from the driver's seat window. She was more excited than I was. I couldn't help it but smile at her.

As soon as the car stopped. I heard a familiar voice calling my name. It was Mija. She immediately opened her door and run up to me.

"Jungkookie! It is so good to finally see you. I missed you!" Mija said as she hugged me tightly.

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