Chapter 17 - Family matters

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                                                Taehyung's Point of View

I could barely sit still, waiting for Jungkook's parents to explain their reason for wanting to see me so urgently and for involving my parents into this.

They want to speak to me about me and Jungkook, something serious but Jungkook couldn't be part of this conversation. What could it be?

I looked deep into their eyes, hoping to get some answers...hoping that this sick feeling I had will go away...hoping to see Jungkook's eyes soon...

"I am listening" I said trying to keep my voice steady, while on the inside I was trembling like a leaf.

Jungkook's mother looked deep into my eyes. I could see the intensity in her eyes. I felt intimidated. I intertwined my fingers and waited to see what was this about. She took a deep breath before she began to explain.

"Taehyung, we have known you for almost 5 years now and we are grateful for being such an amazing friend to our son and for helping him to open up and become the amazing man that he is today."

Memories of me and Jungkook started to flood my mind. The first time his eyes met mine...the first time the two of us sat down and talked for hours...the first time we slept on the same bed...the first time he made my heart beat for him...

Where was she going with this? This isn't a good start. I felt terrified. Cold sweat was running down my back.

"As you know, our family values tradition and it is important for us that our children live and value the Korean and our family traditions. Since Jungkook was a young child his fate was already written, and not career wise but with who he is meant to spend the rest of his life with. Taehyung that person is not you."

'Taehyung that it not you' was replaying in my mind over and over again, tearing my heart apart every time.

"I don't understand...who is he meant to spend his life with? Jungkook and I...we are happy together..." I exclaimed in annoyance.

"Just let me finish and you will understand. Rearrange marriage is a tradition in our family for a very long time. We make a promise with another family to marry our children, to show them that we respect them and want them in our lives in the future and vice versa. The same has happened when Jungkook was born" she continued looking calm and collected.

I couldn't help it but chuckle to her saying.

"You cannot be serious, right? A rearranged marriage? What did Jungkook say about this? There is no way he will accept" I responded confidently to her nonsense.

"Taehyung! Please be respectful!" my mother said trying to calm me down. There was nothing that could calm me down after hearing this. It was ridiculous!

"I understand it might sound a bit silly to you, but this is a serious matter to us. We tried to talk to Jungkook about it a few years ago but, you know him. He can get stubborn at times, but I am sure he will come around. After all Jungkook wouldn't disrespect his family, and that's what we are asking from you. Not to disrespect our family" Jungkook's father tried to explain.

"Me loving your son is disrespecting your family? Me taking care of your son and willing to give my life for him, is disrespecting your family? I am afraid you need to reconsider your definition of disrespect and respect Mr Jeon." My blood was boiling. I could no longer control myself.

"Taehyung! Where did your manners go? Please calm down baby and listen."

"Mum don't Taehyung me! How am I supposed to listen to this and stay calm? You are asking me to let him go, right? And you are on their side? Unbelievable!" I replied throwing my hands in the air not knowing what to do.

"It's not about right or wrong. It's about respecting Jungkook's family and their wants. We can't get in between the family Taehyung. That's what is going to happen if your relationship with Jungkook continues. Mr and Mrs Jeon feel strongly about this" my mother tried to convince me.

My eyes were piercing right through Jungkook's parents. I was furious. What they were asking from me was unspeakable.

"He is happy...we are happy together. I guarantee you Jungkook feels the same way about me. Doesn't that matter you? Letting him go will hurt him deeply. Doesn't his wants and feelings matter to you?" I tried to convince them. I could feel tears filling my eyes.

"We know he will be happy. Jungkook just needs to trust us. Mija is a wonderful girl and we believe that she will give Jungkook the future he deserves. With you, things are risky. He can lose everything. With Mija his future is safe! If you really care about Jungkook then you need to let him go. Don't jeopardize his future and reputation" Jungkook's mother continued as she clenched her fists together" her words began to get jumbled in my head. It was too much to take in.

Not being able to sit there and listen to all this non-sense, I got up and stormed out the room. I immediately went into the rest room across the hall.

I sat against the wall. Buried my face into my hands. I couldn't stop crying. Everything Jungkook's parents have said kept playing in head repeatedly like a broken record.

Were they right? Was I getting in the way of Jungkook's happiness? Will our relationship bring division in his family?

These thoughts were getting louder and louder...I felt my brain was going to explode. Can I really let him go? Should I let him go?

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