Chapter 20 - The beginning of the end

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                                                       One week later...

                                               Jungkook's Point of View

I barely slept last night. Taehyung's restlessness and heavy breathing kept me awake.

I know he didn't sleep either. His thoughts kept him up. It wasn't something new for him. Countless times he will stay up all night, writing, drawing, crying, making love to's his way of dealing with his demons.

I wondered what demons he was fighting last night. There was something bothering him, but he wouldn't tell me. He said everything was fine.

He was becoming more and more distant every day.

I think I am losing him, and I don't know how to stop this from happening. I tell myself that it's just in my head, but this feeling is growing stronger.

I shook my head to push those thoughts away and made my way to the meeting room. We were going to meet our new staff members who will be working with us. Taehyung left an hour ago to have a shower and then go to the meeting room.

I closed the door behind me, walked down the corridor and got into the lift.

"Jungkookie! Wait!" Jimin shouted while running towards the lift. I press the button to hold the door open for him.

"Thank you! New staff members! Isn't that exciting?" Jimin said with enthusiasm while he was trying to catch his breath.

"I guess..." I responded not being in the mood for meeting anyone or do anything today.

"Hey what's wrong? Don't tell me you fought with Tae again? What is happening with you two lately? Since you came back from Busan you both have this sad face on." Jimin continued.

"Ask your friend what's wrong. He barely talks to me and when he does we end up fighting, have sex, go to sleep and repeat the same thing the following day. I don't know what to do anymore..." I answered quickly, letting my frustration show.

The door slides open and we both walk out in silence. Jimin looked lost in his thoughts. I wonder if he knew anything that I didn't.

"I...I can't explain his behaviour. He is crazy about you. It is unlike him to be like that" Jimin finally broke the silence but did not give me the answer I was hoping for. He didn't know why he was acting like this.

"He is crazy about me?" I repeated Jimin's words giving me hope that maybe not all was lost.

"Let's go to the meeting and talk later OK?" Jimin said and patted by back. I nodded and followed him into the meeting room.

Everyone was already there. Me and Jimin were the last ones to entre. I made a quick scan around the room to just make eye contact with Taehyung.

My eyes recognised a familiar face. My heart sunk when I realised who he was.

"Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to today's meeting. As you have been informed this meeting is to welcome our new team members and to introduce them as you will be working with them from now on" Sejin began the meeting getting everyone's attention. He continued by introducing each staff member with a brief description of what their role was.

I couldn't concentrate on anything he was saying. All I could think of was that he was going to be part of our team. He was going to be close to Taehyung and I couldn't do anything about it. I could see him glancing at Taehyung whenever he gets a chance and Taehyung...he was definitely not looking at me.

The introductions were finally over, and we were asked to go to the room right across for some refreshments as an opportunity to get to know the new staff members. I had no interest in getting to know anyone, especially him!

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