Chapter 7 - Confessions

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                                   Taehyung's Point of View

It was ten past ten at night. I was late. I was standing outside of Jungkook's room. I was nervous, yet excited to see him.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door softly. Jungkook opened the door immediately. He looked relieved to see me.

"I am sorry, I am late. I...". Before I could finish my sentence, Jungkook grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the room. He closed the door by pushing me onto to it.

Before I could say or do anything, I felt Jungkook's lips on mine, kissing me softly. So lovingly. I kissed him back.

Jungkook pulls away slightly but our bodies were still connected. He planted two kisses on my neck and one on my ear. I felt a spark of electricity running through my body.

"I thought you changed your mind and you wouldn't come here tonight" he whispered in my ear.

"The only thought I had since our kiss, was seeing you tonight. I wouldn't miss it for the world" I said caressing his cheek. I didn't think he would be worried like this.

"Come. Let's sit here." I said and took his hand to follow my direction. We both sat on the floor leaning back on the couch. We were both looking at the wall across from us. We were both fidgeting with our fingers.

As if suddenly, we didn't know what to do with ourselves...we didn't know how to be with each other. Things were different now, but we were still us. Maybe we needed time to figure how to be with each other now that we were more than friends.

"You wanted us talk" I finally said breaking the silence.

"Yes, I did" Jungkook said without raising his gaze to see me. He was looking down at his hands. I've put my hand in his and hold it tightly causing him to stop fidgeting. I put two fingers under his chin to raise his head, so he could see me, and I could see him.

"Jungkook, what is it? I can see you want to say something, but you hesitate. It's can talk to me. Like we always do" I tried to encourage him.

He nodded in agreement. He lowered his eyes, took a deep breath and looked into my eyes again.

"When...When did you know?" he finally said.

When did I know about my feelings about him he meant? Why was that so hard to ask?

"I think I always had feeling about you but..."

"No, I didn't mean that" Jungkook interrupted me.

"I meant when did you...when did you know...".

"When did I know that I don't like girls?" I completed the sentence for him. Jungkook nodded and was now looking deep in my eyes looking for answers.

"Hmmm that is a good question" I said smiling and brought his hands close to my lips. I kissed his hands softly to comfort him.

I could see he was uncomfortable about this conversation. I was surprised with myself for feeling quite confident with this.

"Before we became trainees I didn't really have any romantic interest in either boys or girls. I had a few really close, both boys and girls. Some girls from my class tried to pursue me but I don't know...I always told them I didn't want to be in a relationship, and it was true. I enjoyed my freedom. Loved spending time with my friends and have fun. I tried to focus on my studies and my friends...I didn't allow myself to think of romantic relationships I guess. The first time I realised that I was attracted to boys is when we met" I tried to answer his question the best way I could.

"When you met me? Really?" Jungkook said with his eyes wide open in surprise and with the biggest smile on his smile. I couldn't help it but laugh.

"You look satisfied with my answer" I said teasing him.

"Very much so" he replied and started blushing a little.

"There was something about you that I couldn't explain it. I wanted to be close to you, spend time with you. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep whenever we had photoshoots together" I continued.

Jungkook was glowing from happiness. He seemed happy with what I was saying. I could really get used to this view. All I ever wanted was to make him happy. I wanted to see him smiling at me as he was now for the rest of our lives.

"I think it was the same with me. I was always focused on singing and my taekwondo competitions. I was too shy to speak with anyone really. I only had two close friends from school and that was it." Jungkook said, interrupting my thoughts.

"I never felt with anyone else what I felt when I was with you. Every time you were close to me my heart will start beating faster. I always wanted to be close to you with whatever we did. I tried to sit or stand next to you in interviews. It's just felt right. I felt secure with you. At first, I thought it was just admiration...someone to look up to, but soon after I realise that it was much more than that."

Listening to Jungkook say that was so heart-warming. It felt so good to hear that he feels the same way I do. All this time I tried to burry my feelings thinking it was wrong, thinking that he will never see me the way I see him and here we were know confessing our feelings to each other. I couldn't help it but lean forward and give him a quick kiss on the lips.

Jungkook wrapped both his hands around my neck and deepened the kiss immediately. Our desperation for each other took over us once again.

He pushed me backwards gently without breaking the kiss. I was fully laying down on the floor, and Jungkook was now on top of me.

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