Chapter 40 - Doctor Doctor

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                                             Jungkook's Point of View

My eyes shot open.

"Taehyung! Didn't you hear what I said? He...had...a...gun!"

"Let me go Minho"

Everything was blurry. The dimmed lighting of the room was too strong.

I found myself sitting up on the bed screaming his name as loud as I could.


My surroundings began to become clearer, sharper.

Brown long coat, a knitted white jumper, lose black pants and black boots with light brown loosely tied laces.

It felt like I haven't seen him in years. He seemed taller, more mature. His grey hair almost covering his big brown eyes. His cheeks slightly rosy and his lips a bit more red than usual. Tears streaming down his face as he was staring at me in disbelief.

Before I knew it, his arms were around me, holding me tightly. Too tight, I could barely breathe, but I didn't mind. I've put my hands around his waist in response.

We sat there like this, with both of us sobbing as if we haven't seen in each other for years.

I pushed him off me slightly, so I could see his face.

"What were you thinking going after him? Minho said he had a gun God damn it! You want to get yourself killed?" I finally managed to say. I felt grateful hearing my own voice out loud.

" heard our conversation?" Taehyung responded with eyes wide open. He looked at Minho briefly and then back at me.

"Every word! You could have gotten hurt Taehyung...You need to start using that little brain of yours." I playfully hit his head on the side and slid my hand down his damped cheek, whipping the remaining of his tears.

"Wait what is happening here? You wake up after God knows how many hours and you are scolding me?" The big smile on his face filled my heart.

I missed this smile more than anything. I used to be able to make him smile like this...not anymore though.

I smiled back at him, trying to camouflage what was really going through my mind.

"I am the hyung after all, aren't I?"

"Yes, Jungkook hyung, I would be careful from now on" Taehyung replied to my tease.

"And you don't need to worry about the hooded guy with the gun. We made that up" Taehyung continued, leaving me confused.

"You made it up? What do you mean?" I looked at Minho to see his reaction. He looked as confused as I did. He looked down as if he knew he screwed up.

"Well, I had a suspicion that you could hear me, so I've sent a message to Minho to put our plan in action and here we are. It worked!" Taehyung continued lying his ass off.

"So, this was all planted to wake me up?" I questioned him, even though I knew the answer.

"Of course! Why would someone be outside your room with a gun? Isn't that right Minho?" Taehyung threw the ball at Minho who didn't expect to be included in this.

"Huh?...Umm...Yes! We had it planned out. I was just waiting for Taehyung's message to put it in action."

I wanted to roll my eyes so badly after listening to both of them. My goodness they are such bad actors!

It was time to put my acting hat on.

"You really scared me Tae! I...I thought that if I didn't stop you, it might have been the last time I will hear your voice" This part was actually true. No acting was needed here.

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