Chapter 30-In the name of love

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                                                Jin's Point of View

I was tossing and turning in my bed. I couldn't sleep. I wondered if Namjoon was asleep. Today we all felt Taehyung's absence.

I missed his silly comments, his loud laugh, the way he was teasing me, going out to try new restaurants and talk about anime for hours.

I could no longer stay in bed. I was getting irritated with my restlessness. I got up and wore my sleepers.

Maybe sleeping next to Namjoon will calm me down. I sleep better when I am with him.

Namjoon was two rooms down from me, at room 408. I stepped outside the room and closed the door behind me.

I took a quick glance on my right. I thought I was dreaming or hallucinating. I rubbed my eyes thinking it would change my view.

Taehyung was here? Before I got the chance to think or do anything I see Taehyung collapsing right in front of me.

Fear took over my body.

"Taehyung!" I exclaimed as I run to him.

I immediately kneeled down to get a closer look at him.

I placed two fingers on the side of his neck to check his pulse.

I exhaled in relief. He was breathing.

"Taehyung can you hear me? Tae?" I said trying bring him back to his senses.

The door next to me opened.

I looked up.

Minho was standing before me half asleep, with messy hair, in his black silk pyjamas.

He instantly woken up when he realised what he was looking at.

"What happened? How did Taehyung get here? Is he hurt?" Minho started throwing all these questions at me that I had no answers to.

He firstly checked his pulse and started to check his body for any injuries I assumed.

"I don't know. I just got out of my room and I just saw him collapse. He is not responding Minho...we need a doctor." I said trying not to show my panic.

"Help me carry him in my room. He needs to lay down and then we can call the doctor" Minho responded and placed his hands under Taehyung's shoulders.

I then grabbed his legs and we both stood up carefully and as steady as we could.

Minho took a step backwards towards his room. I took a step forward.

"Taehyung? Taehyung?" I heard Jungkook screaming as he was running in full speed towards us.

Minho continued walking backwards into the room. I had no choice but to follow him.

"What happened? Why are you carrying him? What did you do to him? Is he breathing? Did he get drunk? Is he hurt? What happened hyung? Why don't you tell me what happened?" Jungkook was frantically asking questions, holding Taehyung's hand tightly as we finally managed to put him on Minho's bed.

"I don't know Jungkook...I don't know. We need to call the doctor and..."

Before I got the chance to finish my sentence a familiar voice interrupted me.

"What is happening here? Why all this noise?" Namjoon said as he stormed into the room. His presence put me instantly at ease.

"Is that Taehyung? What is he doing here?" Namjoon asked as he pushed me and Jungkook out of his way to get to him.

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