Chapter 22 - Drunk in love

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                                                    Taehyung's Point of View

My feet felt heavy. I wanted to move but couldn't. I was still standing there frozen in place. I could hear people talking to me but nothing they were saying made sense. It was like my brain couldn't process anything around me.

I felt two hands on each of my shoulders shaking me and talking loudly.

"Taehyung for the last time tell us what the hell happened here? What did you do?" I heard Namjoon saying. He was angry. I turned to look at him. All the members were standing around me, waiting for me to speak.

"I told you...we broke up" I managed to say.

"You did what?"

"What? Why?"

"No no no..."

"I cannot believe this. This is just one of their fights. Right Taehyung?

They were all talking at the same time, throwing questions at me that I did not want to answer. Jimin did not say anything. His eyes were piercing through me. I haven't seen him like this before.

"I ended the relationship. I couldn't continue...I don't feel the same anymore" I said hoping that they would just leave me alone.

"So what, after just three months together you just don't feel the same? Do you understand what you just did?" Jin said running his fingers through his hair.

I didn't know what else to say. I knew trying to defend my choice will only make things worse. I knew they would get angry at me. I didn't care. All I could think of was Jungkook. Where did he go?

"You are unbelievable Kim Taehyung. Hats off to you! I believed you that night...everything you told me about how you felt for him. Well done! You fooled us all." Jimin finally said with his hands crossed over his chest.

"Don't you dare come to me for anything ever again! I need to find Jungkook." Jimin continued.

He immediately started walking towards the direction Jungkook left, without looking back once. I knew in that moment that today I also lost my best friend.

"Oh, this is bad. Very bad. What are we going to do now? Hoseok said while pacing up and down.

"Remember what Bang PD said to us? They need to figure a way to work together no matter the circumstances. We should let them figure things out." Yoongi added trying to be the voice of reason.

"It's going to affect us...It already has...I don't know wh..."

"He is gone! Jungkook is gone!" Jimin said interrupting Jin. Jimin looked scared, on the verge of crying.

Hearing Jimin's words made my blood rushed through my veins.

"What do you mean he is gone? Did you look everywhere?" I exclaimed looking intensely at Jimin for answers.

"You...stay...out...of...this! Don't make things worse" Jimin responded and turned his back on me and faced the other members.

Jimin was right. It was my fault in the first place and going after him will make things worse. I just stood there, without responding back to Jimin.

"His car is missing, he is not responding to my calls or messages! I don't know what else to do" Jimin continued updating the others.

"Where could he have gone? We need to find him before he does anything stupid" Hoseok added while anxiously bitting his nails.

He left the building? What was he thinking? My heart was stumping in my chest. I felt helpless...Where could he be? I couldn't bear the thought of him being alone out there feeling like this.

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