Chapter 13 - The new rules for love

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                                         Taehyung's Point of View

My heart dropped. I was terrified of what Bang PD was going to say next. At this point we all knew who he was referring to. I looked at Jin and Namjoon with the corner of my eye. They were both focused on Bang PD waiting for his next word. Jungkook squizzed my hand gently.

"I am aware that in your contract there is no rule about dating between members. I guess it wasn't something we predicted, and we definitely did not expect four of you to fall for each other. Technically you haven't broken the rules, however that doesn't mean they won't be any consequences" Bang PD continued.

At that moment I felt that if I didn't say something I was going to burst.

"If we haven't done anything wrong, why would they be consequences? If you must, then go ahead. Not being with Jungkook is not an option." I said not being able to hide my annoyance

"Taehyung! Can you just listen for once in your life? I am sorry Bang PD-nim please continue" Jimin burst out, giving me a cold look.

Bang PD smiled widely shaking his head.

"Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin, I must say I did think of forcing a separation between you in order to keep things safe for the group. However, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew that breaking you up will have a bigger impact on you as group."

Hearing Bang PD say that he was accepting our relationship a heavy weight lifted off my chest. I felt that I could breathe again. I looked at Jungkook and he looked as relieved as I was.

I glanced over at Jin and Namjoon who couldn't hide their appreciation to Bang PD. A tear rolled down Jin's cheek.

"We are very thankful of accepting the situation as is. We didn't want you to find out this way. Me and Jin were planning to speak to you about this, but we were hesitant as it may have meant the end of what we have. I hope you can accept our apology and gratitude." Namjoon added.

"Your apology is accepted Namjoon. Of course, I would have liked to have find out from you and not the staff members. Even though I am allowing these relationships to carry on, I will be reinforcing some new rules to make sure that BTS success is not compromised by this."

"We promised to follow your rules. We want the best for our group and we wouldn't like to affect the other members as well." Jungkook responded.

"I am glad to hear that Jungkook. Firstly, your relationships stay private. This is not the time for the press to be all over the group regarding romantic relationships, especially between members. The same goes when working with other BigHit staff members. I want you to behave professionally at any given situation. Finally, any arguments and fights you have between you, stay between you. This time, I don't you to bring your fights to the group. It will create more tension and could promote division between you. You are responsible in finding a way to work with each other even when you can't stand seeing or talking to each other. Am I clear?"

"Yes Sir" the four of us said in unison.

"I am glad to hear that. Now that we have cleared things up, I also wanted to mention that this year BigHit will be organising a company party at the end of the year to celebrate BTS success and the hard work of all our staff members." Bang PD continued and stood up.

We all rose from our seats to show our respect.

"Wow! A company party! We look forward to it" Hoseok said and shook Bang PD's hand.

"We all deserve to celebrate and take a break to enjoy our hard work. This company owes a lot to you boys and seeing you happy is what matters at the end. I will leave you to it. I am sure you have a lot discuss" Bang PD said and looked at me and Jungkook as he was leaving.

We all sat back on our sits. All eyes were on me and Jungkook. I guess we had some explaining to do.

"You two as well? Why didn't we know about it? How long have this been happening for?" Yoongi asked looking at us in disbelief.

"We knew you were close but not this close I guess" Hoseok added.

"Joon owes me 10,000 won. I told you they were together." Jin said teasingly to Namjoon.

"Just let them talk" Jimin said still looking upset with the situation.

"We have been together for three months now. Our anniversary is actually tomorrow." I finally said holding Jungkook's hand.

"Congratulations!" Jimin replied with a cold tone in his voice.


"Why didn't we know about it?" Jimin asked interrupting me.

"We just wanted to see how things worked out between us before saying anything...and we didn't know how you guys will react with another relationship in the group." I tried to explain hoping that Jimin could understand.

Jimin crossed his hands without saying anything. Jungkook moved his chair next to Jimin's and tried to comfort him by stroking his back. It seemed to have some effect as Jimin's expression has soften slightly.

"Aren't you too young for this? At least Nmajoon and Jin are mature enough to handle disagreements and fight between them. You are too young for this..." Yoongi expressed his worries.

"We want to be with each other hyung! There is nothing else we want more...I promise you we will do our best not to make our relationship a problem for the group. We just want to have your support..." I tried to reassure them.

Jungkook shot me a small smile from across the room showing his agreement with what I have said.

"You know that you already have our support! We will be next you" Hoseok responded with his words putting a smile on my face.

"You should have at least talk to me and Jin. You know that we have been together for quite some time." Namjoon added and kissed Jin's lips softly.

"Hey! Stop it!" Jin said looking flustered by Namjoon's kiss.

We all burst into laughter and like that the tension in the room evaporated.

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