Chapter 50 - A game of Cluedo

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                                                 Namjoon's Point of View

                                                        Two weeks ago...

The clock ticking behind me was driving me crazy. It kept reminding me of every second that Taehyung's life could end or be saved.

I was trying to remain cool and collected on the outside, but I was shattered inside. They shot him cold blooded inside our building! The place that we always felt safe!

How did that happen? Who? Why?

Jimin and Hoseok were a wreck. I could see Jimin was close to have a panic attack. He hadn't had one in a long time.

Hoseok was shaking. He couldn't sit still. I have never seen him like this.

Yoongi was like me. He appeared cool and collected but his eyes gave him away. From time to time he would leave saying he was going to get some fresh air. Every time he came back his eyes were redder than before.

Mija left.

Jin said that Jungkook doesn't want to come to the hospital. He said that he doesn't talk...just crying until he runs out of tears and then start again.

Jungkook must be in shock. Taehyung was shot in his hands. If I am feeling like this, I don't want to imagine how Jungkook must be feeling.

If Taehyung makes it through the surgery, then in time we will be able to get through this. If not...we will be lost too. Nothing will be the same.

I felt the tears running down my face. I wiped them immediately and shook my head to get rid of that thought.

That's not an option. We cannot lose him.

I took a look at the clock behind me. It has been almost three hours since we arrived. We had no news. Minho used his networks at the hospital, and they gave him access.

He hasn't come back since then. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. No news is good news they say. I hoped this was the case for Taehyung also.

I suddenly heard people running and loud talk coming from the reception. I stood up and looked over. It was Taehyung's parents.

I quickly walked towards them.

"Namjoon where is he? He is doing OK right? It's not that serious...He is well and waiting for us. Why they won't let us see him?" Taehyung's mother bombarded me with questions that I couldn't answer.

Her hands tightly on my shoulders and her eyes demanding of answers.

I lowered my head. I didn't have the courage to tell her how serious his condition was. She was already broken...

"Honey let the kid go. How would he know? Even the nurses didn't have any information. He is still in surgery. Our boy is strong...He will be alright. You will see..." Mr Kim said as he pulled his wife into his embrace.

His words gave me comfort. Taehyung is strong. He will get through it, I kept telling myself.

We all sat down, waiting outside the forbidden doors.

                                                            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Five days in intensive care unit, surrounded by machines that helped him stay in life. He hasn't moved. He hasn't opened his eyes. He hasn't said a word.

Condition: critical. That's what they said. They removed the bullet successfully. Fractured bone, damaged tissue and nerve. They don't know how that will affect him, they said. We will know once he wakes up.

He lost a lot of blood on his way to the hospital and even more during the surgery. His body was weak. His organs almost shut down.

We need to wait now, they said. He was stable, they said.

Same answers every day. Deeper disappointment every day. Our hopes began to fade away.

Jungkook still refused to visit him. He asked for updates. Ironically, he was very similar to Taehyung only difference is that Jungkook had his senses. We had to force him to eat. We had to force him to take sleeping tablets for him to get some sleep.

His parents also came to Seoul. Their presence didn't make a difference.

And as if all these weren't enough, we had the media on our backs writing one rumour after the other. The latest I have seen is that Taehyung was involved with the mafia in South Korea.

Taehyung part of the mafia? It still made me laugh. He couldn't even kill a bug, and they are accusing him for killing people.

They really had a wild imagination. But they didn't know Taehyung the way we did. All they cared about was making money and take advantage of someone who was on his death bed.

I was frustrated. I was frustrated with the media, with the company that didn't protect him, with Jungkook not going to see him, with Minho and Jimin who disappear and are always whispering, with Yoongi who locked himself in the studio, with Hoseok who is still trying to cheer everyone, with Jin looking at me with sad eyes, with myself who couldn't protect them all!

"I've made dinner. You should eat some" Jin said as he placed a bowl of ramen in my hands and sat next to me.

I looked around the living room. Everyone was here...only Taehyung was missing.

I checked the clock. It was 7:30pm already. How long have I been lost in my thoughts?

My eyes stopped on Jungkook. He was sitting on the sofa across from me and Jin. His eyes were fixated on Minho who was sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter.

For some reason I held my breath as if something bad was about to happen.

The look in Jungkook's eyes was foreign. I haven't seen him like this before. He wasn't angry or mad. His eyes were filled with hate.

I looked over at Minho who was eating his dinner, with his head almost buried in his food. He was either oblivious or avoiding to look up.

I notice that Jin was looking at every inch of my face...every direction that my eyes looked.

I was about to call Jungkook's name, but Jin strategically fed me a spoonful of food stopping me.

Jungkook stood up and in no time, he was standing right in front of Minho.

Minho looked up. As soon as their eyes met, he pushed himself all the way back into his chair increasing the distance between them. Maybe he saw the hate also.

"What is it Jungkook? I don't have any news from the hospital" Minho's voice echoed in the room.

Jungkook remained silent. His eyes looking straight through Minho's. He didn't blink. He clenched his fist before he finally spoke.

"Where were you when Taehyung got shot?"

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