Chapter 2 - The heart knows

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It was finally the next morning. I felt exhausted. I barely got any sleep. I was trying to come up with a plan to stop those feelings, to stop thinking about me and Jungkook.

TaeKook as ARMYs call us. Just thinking about it puts the biggest smile on my face.

"Why are you greening looking at the wall?" Namjoon said while rubbing his eyes and mocking me by imitating my silly smile. I just looked at him shaking my head playfully.

"I guess you are feeling better than last night" he added and sat on the bed.

The thought of last night took my smile away. "Sorry Tae! I didn't mean to remind you of that." Namjoon said and moved next to me.

" Don't worry about me hyung. I am feeling better." I forced a smile in an attempt to convince him.

Namjoon placed his hand on my shoulder.

" After our dance rehearsal I will leave for the weekend. It's my mum's birthday so I will spend some time with my family. Are you going to be OK? Maybe ask Kookie or Jimin to come and sleep in our room, to keep you company. They can sleep in my bed. I don't mind. What do you think?"

The thought of having Jungkook here over the weekend excited me. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him, especially just the two of us! The same thought also terrified me. Having him here is not going to help. What if I say something stupid? What if I do something stupid?

"Hey! Are you listening to me?" Namjoon interrupted my thoughts.

"Sorry! Yes, I am listening" I responded as I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"I really am OK hyung. Please don't worry about me. Enjoy your time with your family and give my best wishes to your mum. As for me, I think it would be good to spend some time by myself."

I tried to keep my voice steady and my eyes on him to try and convince him. He was staring right back at me. Examining my every word. Was I that bad last night to have him worrying like this?

"You are a brother to me Tae and I want you to be happy" Namjoon said as he stood up. He pulled me up from the bed and put his arm around me. I needed this hug. It was comforting.

"OK let's get ready for the rehearsal".


                               Dance Rehearsal (Namjoon's Point Of View)

The rehearsal was almost over. Every muscle of my body hurt. I have been doing this for so long now and dance rehearsals don't get any easier. At least dancing next to Jin makes it more bearable. He is as bad as I am at dancing which brought as closer. They don't call us dancing robot and dancing machine for nothing. The thought made me laugh out loud.

Sitting in this corner of the practice room and looking at all the other members made me feel so proud. I loved these boys with all my heart. They are my family!

Jimin was pulling Yoongi from the floor to show him the last part of the choreography. Hobi was on the floor laughing with Jin's version of the choreography. I couldn't help it but laugh by just looking at them.

Tae was sitting next to Yoongi with his face buried in his hands. He looked exhausted. He wasn't his usual self today. I don't think he got much sleep last night after all. What is troubling him? Why doesn't he speak about it? That's what worries me the most. The fact that he doesn't want to share it with me.

Maybe I should ask Jimin. They are best friends. Surely, he will know something about this. I should talk to him before I leave for my parents' house.

"Jiminie! Come here for a minute" I shouted across the room.

"Coming!" he shouted back. He dropped Yoongi on the floor and started running towards me.

"Are you ready to practice the choreography with me?" he said playfully while messing my hair with his hands.

"No" I said, pushing his hands away. "I will practice with Jin later" and we both burst into laughter.

"Jiminie sit next to me. I actually wanted to talk to you about something." He looked at me all serious and sat quickly next to me.

"Is everything OK hyung? Is this about you and..." I stopped him before he could finish his sentence.

"No no it's not about that! It's about Taehyung." I said quickly to avoid any other questions from Jimin.

"Oh! Do you know what's up with him?" he said looking as worried and confused as I was.

"He is acting weird lately. He is not himself" he continued as he looked at Tae across the room.

His response surprised me. Jimin was as lost as I was.

" I was about to ask you the same thing" I replied.

"He had a nightmare last night and it seemed quite serious, but he wouldn't talk to me about it. I am worried about him, so I was hoping you knew something."

Jimin did not take his eyes away from Tae the entire time I was talking to him. He looked more worried than before.

"Jimin!" I said to get his attention. He looked at me. His eyes were filled with sadness. "What's wrong? Tell me!" I demanded.

He finally spoke. " Not these nightmares again! He used to have really bad nightmares when his grandmother passed away. Remember?"

I nodded, with all the memories of that time flooding in my head. It was such a difficult time for Taehyung.

"I had to sleep with him every night to make sure that he had someone next to him when he wakes up from a nightmare. It was horrible. My heart broke every night seeing him crying...seeing him in so much pain" Jimin continued with the first tear drops running down his cheek.

I was trying to push my tears back with no success. Our TaeTae has been through so much and he has come such a long way.

I saw Jungkook approaching us as he came back in the practice room. I pushed Jimin with my elbow to alarm him that Jungkook was coming and we both quickly wiped our tears and tried to change the subject.

"What are you doing here?" Did the rehearsal finished?" Jungkook asked examining our faces.

"No, we have to practice it all together once more and then we are free" Jimin said quickly.

"OK! Did something happen? You both look sad." Jungkook asked and he kneeled next to us without taking his eyes off ours. Jimin and I looked at each other and then back at Jungkook. I didn't want to worry him as well, so I just said we were just tired from the rehearsal.

Jungkook didn't look convinced. He looked across the room. He was staring towards Taehyung, who was laying on the floor with his hoodie covering his face. Jungkook looked at Jimin and then me.

"Since you are leaving for the weekend I will sleep in your room hyung. I will take care of him" Jungkook simply said, got up and walked away.

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