Chapter 59 - Promises

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                                              The night before the wedding

Heavy rain...

Cars passing by splashing water on the sidewalks.

People running to find a place to hide from the rain.

He didn't.

He was walking in the rain...He didn't seem to be bothered by it. He kept walking.

He looked like a lost child...but no one would stop to help him.

What should I do? I just kept following him to make sure he was safe.

It seemed that he was finally making his way back to the hotel after walking for almost two hours in the rain.

Maybe he just needed to walk to clear his mind.

But something in his eyes scared me. The darkness that was captured in his eyes made my heart tremble.

At that moment I would give everything to be able to read his thoughts.

I followed him.

He was walking down the hotel corridor, leaving wet foot prints on the floor...water dripping from his soaking wet clothes with every step he was taking.

His body began to shake. Was it because he was cold or because he was getting closer.

He stopped in front of his door.

I exhaled in relief.

I knew he would be safe here.

                                           ● ● ●

                           Taehyung's point of view

My body brought me in front of his door step again.

The wet clothes were stuck on my body like a leech, sucking the blood and life from my veins.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. It didn't help. My heart was pounding, my breathing heavy and rapid.

My body took over again. My hand was knocking on his door. It was late...past midnight. He was probably sleeping. His wedding only few hours from now and here I was...

The second knock on his door vibrated through my body. I was impatient. Every second felt like an eternity. Every second was burying me alive.

Jungkook finally opened the door. He was wearing black trousers with a white loose white shirt on top... his collarbone showing on the left side...his feet bare...

The lights in his room making his dark hair glistening...his face angelic almost. Of all days, why did have to look this beautiful this night?

His doe eyes filled with worry as soon as he saw me standing at his doorstep.

"What happened? Why are you all wet? Where you out in the rain? Are you crazy? Are you OK? Tae say something!" his hands moving frantically from my face to my shoulders, to my frantically as he was throwing all these questions at me.

No, I wasn't OK...and maybe I was going crazy. He was the only one who can keep me sane. That was why I brought myself to him again.

I remained silent.

I took a step forward entering his room. I closed the door behind me.

Jungkook stood still. He seemed lost...worried...scared.

I caressed his cheek before running my thumb over his lips. Jungkook closed his eyes and parted his lips in response.

I wanted to abuse the power I had over him. I needed to...I didn't know any other way...

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