Chapter 3 - Fear

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                                                          Taehyung's Point of View

The rehearsal was finally over. I really don't know how I survived today. I was emotionally and physically drained. The only good thing was that I got spend some time with the other members. They always find a way to cheer me up.

I was back in my room. I needed to have a shower and maybe eat something. Namjoon left straight away after the rehearsal. I was all alone in the room. It felt empty without Namjoon. This was a good opportunity for me to think and decide what I am going to do.

What I really wanted to do was to speak to Jungkook and tell him how I feel about him...that I want to be with him! But it wasn't that easy.

What if he sees me just as a friend? What will the others think? Bang PD, the society, the idol industry, ARMY? I could lose everything! My heart sank at that thought.

What I am most afraid of is losing Jungkook. If he doesn't feel the same way, then I will ruin our friendship. It will never be the same between us.

Flashbacks from last night's nightmare emerge into my mind.

Jungkook's eyes filled with tears and disappointment, looking right through me and his figure disappearing in the darkness. I shook my head to get rid of those images. Losing Jungkook is not an option! I needed to put my feelings aside. Having him in my life was what I wanted. If that means we will just be friends, then that was how it had to be.

Maybe I need to go out more often, meet new people...maybe fall in love with someone else. Who am I kidding? My heart will always belong to him...only him! I buried my head in my pillow feeling hopeless. I took a deep breath as I threw the pillow back to my bed, I grabbed my pyjamas and headed towards the shower.

I felt refreshed! Having a shower really helped me to get some peace of mind. I looked at the clock. It was only 8pm.

"I should probably eat something" I thought out loud. I hoped Jin is in the kitchen cooking. I was craving some homemade food.

I dried my hair with the towel once before I head out to the kitchen. As I was walking through the corridor, I could smell something delicious.

"Please let it be Jin cooking" I said as I closed my eyes. I approached the kitchen slowly to see who was there.

I see broad shoulders and what looked like a million of pods on the stove. It was Jin cooking. Seeing him cook put the biggest smile on my face.

I got closer to the stove and stood slightly behind Jin.

"Jin hyung what are you cooking? I asked in my sweetest voice in an attempt to get on his good side.

"Ah Tae is that you? You startled me" Jin said and put his hand on his chest.

"What are you doing here?" he asked and looked at me from head to toe as I was already in my pyjamas.

"I am hungry, so I was actually hoping to find you here. I even said a little prayer on my way here" I said and put my hands together to show him.

" Well this is your lucky day" he said and smiled.

" I am making plenty of food so please join me" he added while proudly showing me what's under each pod.

"Wow! Who is going to eat all that? Even all seven of us will struggle to eat all these. What's gotten into you today?" I asked, already knowing the answer to my question.

Jin lowered his eyes.

"No specific reason. I just felt like cooking today."

He forced a smile and gave me the wooden spoon he was holding.

"Here take this and stir the fried rice" Jin said quickly before I got the chance to ask anything else.

"Yes Sir" I said playfully and began to stir the rice.

After half an hour or so everything was ready. We plated everything on the table and sat across from each other. We both took a bit of every single dish in our plate and began to eat.

"Hyung the food is amazing! Thank you for sharing this meal with me."

"You are welcome! It was good having you in the kitchen today. You actually helped me for once" he said and laughed.

" Hey! I always help in the kitchen" I said and immediately burst into laughter. Who am I kidding? I was hopeless in kitchen.

"Do you miss him?" I said before I could stop myself. Jin was looking at me surprised with my question. I looked back at him apologetically.

" I'm sorry! I just...I can see that you are..." I didn't know how to phrase it, so he doesn't get upset. Maybe I should just stop talking. I looked at my plate then Jin. He pressed his lips together as if he was contemplating whether to speak or not.

"It's the first time we will spend two days apart since we got together" Jin said without taking his eyes off his plate.

"I wish I could be with him and his family and celebrate together. I am sick of hiding" he continued.

I got up and sat next to him. I placed my arm around him.

"Hyung, you and Namjoon have been through so much and your relationship is stronger than ever. You won't be hiding forever. Trust me!" He nodded wanting to believe what I was saying.


It was 10 pm when I got back to my room after having dinner with Jin. I wasn't the only one who was having a difficult day. I really admired their relationship and their courage to pursue a relationship knowing that not everyone will approve of it. I wish I had the courage to do the same.

I turned all the lights off and laid down on my bed. My eyes were wide open. I couldn't sleep. My mind was too busy with thoughts and if I slept I was risking of seeing another nightmare.

I suddenly heard someone knocking on my door. Who could it be at this time? Maybe Jin? He might be feeling alone tonight.

I got out of the bed and turned the lights on. The knocks were continuing.

"I am coming" I said loudly. I finally got to open the door.

I felt paralyzed. I just stood there without moving or saying anything.

Jungkook was standing in front of me, holding his pillow.

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