Chapter 12 - The truth untold

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                                       Taehyung's Point of View

The door opened, and Bang PD entered the room.

We all stood up to greet him.

"Hello everyone! I haven't seen you boys in a long time. I hope you are all well." Bang PD said and went around the table to greet us individually.

He seemed in a good mood so maybe Hoseok was right this could be for something good. He sat across the table and was looking at each one of us, with his hands on the table in front of him.

We were all silent. Namjoon and Jin barely made eye contact with him. They seemed very worried. Jungkook was sitting next to me. He moved his right leg so that it was touching mine. It was his way of reassuring me.

"I am sure you are all wondering why I am here today and what is this all about. There are few things that have come to my attention and I would like to discuss it with you" Bang PD said and took a sip of his coffee.

I could see Jungkook was fidgeting with his fingers under the table. I gently stroke his thigh trying calm him down. He turned and looked deep into my eyes.

At first, he looked concerned. But there was something else. He was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't figure it out. At this point everyone was looking at Jungkook and I.

Band PD was waiting patiently. He didn't say a word. He was just looking at us like everyone else. Not knowing what to do I quickly glanced at the other members to see if anyone knew what was happening. They all looked clueless and more worried than before.

"Jungkook what is it? Bang PD is waiting for us" I whispered squizzing his thigh trying to make him snap out of whatever he was thinking. He put his hand on my hand that was resting on his leg.

He smiled at me without saying anything. Jungkook intertwines his fingers with mine and moved both of our hands, on top of the table.

My eyes were fixed on our exposed hands on the table. What was he doing? I couldn't make eye contact with anyone. Not until someone says something. Maybe I should...

"I apologise for interrupting you Bang PD-nim. Please continue" Jungkook said with confidence, like he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary.

Cold sweat was running down my back. I couldn't take my eyes off our hands against the table. Jungkook was holding my hand so tightly, it was almost too painful.

He knew he was taking a risk for doing that. He knew questions were to follow his actions, but he was ready to consequences, and so was I. The past three months of being with him were the best thing that has happened to me since I joined BTS. I was ready to defend it with everything I got.

I turned and looked at Jungkook first. Our eyes met. His determination was mirroring mine. I squizzed his hand back to let him know I was with him with this. We were basically declaring our relationship in front of everyone and not just the other members but Band PD as well.

I didn't know what to do or say. Jungkook was looking straight through Bang PD's eyes and he was looking between me and Jungkook, not saying anything.

Yoongi and Hoseok were looking at me and Jungkook in surprise. Jin and Namjoon couldn't hide their amusement with the situation, like they already knew about us. Jimin's eyes were piercing through mine and Jungkook's. He was mad.

"If everyone is listening, may I continue?" Bang PD finally broke the tension in the room.

"Of course. We apologise again! Please continue" Namjoon said and gave us his "please behave" glance.

"Firstly, I would like to congratulate you once again for your recent win at the Seoul Music Awards. You have been working very hard and it has paid off. I am very thankful and proud of everything you do. You know that I don't see you as my employees but more like my children. I have seen you grow up a and become the great young men you are today."

I could barely concentrate on what Bang PD was saying. My heart was in my throat. Jungkook was still holding my hand and discreetly caressed the side of my finger.

"And this brings me to what I want to discuss with you today. I know that since you became trainees you have sacrificed a lot, you have been restricted with various rules that the company strongly believes in, to provide the group with the best possibility to succeed. I know how hard this has been on you and we had extensive discussions about it in the past."

Bang PD paused. He looked down at his hands briefly as if what he was about to say was hard to articulate.

"It was brought to my attention that there are suspected romantic relationships between some of the members" he continued as his eyes met mine briefly before he turned his gaze to the other members.

My heart dropped. I was terrified of what Bang PD was going to say next. At this point we all knew who he was referring to. I looked at Jin and Namjoon with the corner of my eye. They were both focused on Bang PD waiting for his next word. Jungkook squizzed my hand gently.

What will this mean for me and Jungkook? For Namjoon and Jin? For our group? For our career?

Will he reinforce new rules to break us apart? Will he make us choose between our relationship and BTS?

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