Chapter 35 - Silent Night

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"His pulse is too low"

"Prepare the oxygen mask"

"Oxygen mask? He is going to be OK right?"

"Sir please stay on your seat"

"Oxygen mask is on. His core is covered. We will arrive at the hospital in approximately 15 minutes."

"15 minutes?"

"There is heavy snow. We are doing our best."

"What's his body temperature?"

"It dropped to 34.25 degrees Celsius."

"How long till we get to the hospital?"

"10 minutes"

"We are losing his pulse!"

"Jungkook! No! Please if you can hear me stay with me please..."

"Sir you can't be here. Please go back to your seat!"

"No! He needs me! Just let me be next to him. To hold his hand. Please...."

"Prepare the defibrillator in case of cardiac arrest."


"Jungkook? I'm still here. Just hold on a little longer OK. We are almost at the hospital. Do you want me to tell you a story to make the time go quicker or maybe sing? What do you think?"

"His pulse is dropping."

"Everyone in their positions. Be ready."

"5 minutes away from the hospital"

"Once upon a time there was a little boy named Yong-Soo. He was living at a small neighbourhood in Busan. His family very poor. His parents were working day and night to provide him with everything they could. Yong-Soo didn't have a big house, many clothes or toys but he had the biggest and most beautiful smile. His smile was contagious. He was loved by the neighbours.It was December 23rd, like today and Yong-Soo was wondering around the neighbourhood looking at the houses dressed in Christmas lights. Everyone was inside. It was freezing cold outside. Yong-Soo didn't mind as long as he was able to see the lights."

"Why did we stop? What's happening?"

"There is heavy snow on the road. Nothing is moving. We can't do anything until the road is clear."

"What's his temperature?"

"Stable at 34. 25. His pulse still weak but also stable."

"Sir are you OK? You look very pale? Do you feel dizzy?"

"I'm fine! Just need some water please."

"Where was I? Ah yes! Yong-Soo's favourite part of Christmas were the colourful lights that dress each house on his neighbourhood but not his. The delicious smells coming out of the houses was making his stomach growl in desperation for some food. He didn't want to leave. He could watch the Christmas lights flicker all night, but it was getting late and his parents will be worried. He began to make his way back home.The colourful lights were fainting away as he was getting closer to his house. His parents were sitting around the dinner table. The steam from the tea and soup pot were filling the room. The soup was usually made with water and a vegetable or two if they were lucky."

"What's the update on the road? He can't stay in this temperature for much longer. We are losing him."

"The road is almost clear. We will be on the move in 10 minutes."

"10? and another 10 to get to the hospital 20...This is not going to work."

"Sir...don't give up on him. I think your story is helping him. Please keep going..."

"He...He ate some soup and drunk few cups of tea to keep him warm. He told is parents all about the lights and how they were flickering in different patterns. His eyes were sparkling as he was remembering the lights. His parents reflected his excitement and were happy to see their son so happy. Yong-Soo kissed his parents goodnight and he rushed into his bedroom.His bedroom had a big window looking out at the ocean. The moon's reflection into the black see. The stars shinning in the night sky mimicking the Christmas lights. He sat in front of the window waiting impatiently for the sun rise. He was excited for tomorrow. Tomorrow was Christmas eve!

It was the day that the kids from the neighbourhood go around each house and sing Christmas carols. He never joined them. He was too embarrassed to go. All the children were all dressed up nicely. His clothes had wholes and dirt on them. His hair was messy and greasy. He will climb one of the big trees and watch them go from door to door and hear them sing. His eyes failed him at the end and he fell asleep in front of the window.The sunlight shyly shining through the clouds was beaming on Yong-Soo's face. He immediately opened his eyes. He didn't even change clothes. He wore his black, torn shoes and rushed outside. He took his usual spot on the tree and waited. An hour or so passed and the first group of kids were strolling from house to house.

He will always close his eyes to enjoy the synchronised voices praising and welcoming little baby Jesus to the world. His tears of joy were falling on his rosy cheeks. It was his dream to sing Christmas carols one day. Before he knew it, it was over. Everyone went back to their house to enjoy a warm meal with their family.The silence forced Yong-Soo to open his eyes. They didn't sing Silent Night. It was his favourite song. Sadness filled his eyes. He climbed down from the tree. He found himself not being able to move. He couldn't go home without hearing Silent Night. He felt a strong need to sing."

"There is no pulse!!!"

"Everyone, step away! Sir you need to let him go! We need to use defibrillator now! Sir please!"

"On my count to three. One, two, three. Again! One, two, three. Again! One, two, three..."

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

'Round yon virgin Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace

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