Chapter 47 - The countdown

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                                                   Jungkook's point of view

I don't understand. Everything was gone. Wiped out. No messages. What happened?

Someone must have gone through my phone. But who and why? Why would someone delete those messages only? Unless that's what they were looking hide their traces.

But that will mean that someone from here knows...someone from here is helping them out? Or they are the ones behind this...

My head was going to explode.

Think back Jungkook, I said to myself trying to make sense of it all.

I came to the kitchen. I checked the time on my phone.


There were no new messages. I was anxious for Taehyung coming to my room. It was the first time in a long time. I wanted things to be perfect. To feel like the old days.

I made the pop-corn, poured the coke into two glasses, picked everything up and went back to the room.

I must have left my phone in the kitchen at that point. I don't remember seeing anyone awake at that time. It was quiet in the dorms.

As soon as Taehyung came, I forgot everything. I didn't even realise I didn't have my phone all night.

In the morning I anxiously wanted to check my phone. There was a pattern to their messages. Whenever I was too close to him, they will send me a threatening message. Which I found weird and disturbing at the same time.

How did they even know? I sometimes felt that they have hidden cameras and I am being watched. But if there is an inside person in here, then that makes sense. They will know my every move. This was more serious than I thought. It could mean that they might hurt him at any time.

Strangely, I haven't heard from them in a while and that's probably because I kept my distance. I spent hours locked in a closet with him, spend the entire night and morning with him and there was nothing.

Could it be because of the increased security around and inside the building? I am sure Taehyung talked with the company about the incident at the hospital.

In a way I am glad he did. I did feel a lot safer having more protection around us. Maybe that scared them away...I hoped it did.

Was it that simple? I wonder why they didn't assume that I've talked to someone and hence the security. That would have made them mad. It must be someone from here...but who?

Jimin said the cleaner found my phone in the morning and passed it on to him. Jimin has no reason to go through my phone and delete those messages.

If he was to see those messages he would have gone to the police straight away and then beat me up for not telling him.

Something happened in between me leaving my phone behind and the cleaner finding it in the morning.

"JUNGKOOK" I heard Jin screaming in my ear, making me jump.

"Why are you screaming hyung? I think my ears are severely damaged after this."

"I have been sitting next to you calling your name, touching your shoulder to notice me but you were lost in your thoughts. Do you want to tell your favourite hyung what you were thinking about with that serious look on your face?" Jin continued.

His eyes piercing through mine. He had his puppy eyes trying to persuade me to tell him.

Where to begin and where to end...everything was mushed up in my mind.

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