Chapter 44 - Following destiny

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                                                 Jungkook's Point of View

Hearing him say that he loves me filled my body with euphoria. I felt that I was floating. My senses overtook my body and mind.

I've lost control once again. He was intoxicating. Everything about him. His presence, his sent, his warm skin, his voice, his tender lips.

I couldn't help myself but kiss him, touch him. I wanted to make him mine again. My body was craving him so badly that it was painful.

My lips trailed off his and went all the way down to his neck. I devoured his sweet tasting skin, sucking the spot just under his ear. A low moan escaped his lips in response. I felt his hands deep in my skin as he was holding tightly on me.

I felt his hips grinding on mine showing me that he was eager as much as I was.

"Hands up" I ordered him, so I can take his jumper off. He obeyed without hesitation. Our eyes never leaving each other. I dropped the jumper on the floor, leaving his golden skin exposed for my eyes only.

I took my hoodie off and attached myself onto him once again. Our skin burning hot, warming up the cold atmosphere of the closet. I could feel his chest expanding as his breathing was getting deeper.

I was holding his waist tightly and pushing it forward to meet mine. My fingers tracing his skin just above his belt. I was so eager to unbuckle it.

I felt Taehyung's fingers under my chin, raising my gaze to meet his eyes. He stroked my lower lip before placing a soft kiss on it.

"What is it?" I asked softly as he was looking at me with a question mark in his eyes.

I intertwined our hands to reassure him that he can tell me what was going through his mind. He held my hands tightly.

"I'm just a little confused. You have been very hot and cold with me since our kiss in Japan." Taehyung started to pour his thoughts out.

"You kissed me, then Mija happened. You wanted to talk to me and you wouldn't let my hand go at one moment, then you came to my room and told me you are in love with Mija. We almost had sex on your hospital bed then you just distance yourself and you haven't talked to me since the meeting we had two weeks ago and here we are now, half naked lusting over each other. I just don't understand..." Taehyung continued.

I started to feel cold. The heat began to evaporate from my body as I was hearing him talk. His hands were getting colder also.

I didn't know how to respond to him. He was right. My behaviour must have him feeling very confused. I couldn't 't tell him.

They were very clear about it. If I was to get anyone else involved it would be over. I couldn't take any risk. I couldn't risk his life.

I increased the distance between us, as I leaned back on the cold wall behind me. Taehyung was still holding on to my hands tightly. He wasn't letting go.

I just stared at him. No words were coming out. What should I say? How can I explain? I wasn't supposed to be this close to him. I am putting him in danger.

"There is something going on right? I am guessing you don't want to tell me?" Taehyung broke the silence in the room.

"It's not that I don't want to...I just can't. It's above my control Tae. I wish...I'm sorry! If we don't talk then it's easier...I won't hurt, you." I couldn't form sentences.

Panic began to fill my body. I didn't know what to do. 'What if' scenarios were filling my mind, making my body tremble.

I felt Taehyung's hands pulling me into him, as he wrapped his hands around me hugging me tightly.

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